Jan 10, 2005
Ok, I was sifting through random YouTube clips this morning and came across something that was developed by a Tech class at some UNI. Now...personally it sounds like crap at the moment, yes. However, with some R&D and a lot of work in could be a huge tool to have around. You have to see this.

Robotic Drummer doing a Dragonforce song

Robotic Drummer doing Everlong by Foo Fighters

Robotic Drummer MySpace page with lots of info

But seriously...this has so many uses AS IS if you think about it. 1) Practice drum mic'ing techniques without a real drummer to bang on a kit. 2) Convert MIDI drum tracks into actual drums (this would take some work with velocities and that's where the R&D comes in). 3) Use as a practice in you could set these up on a kit in your practice space, and if you happen to have a MIDI version of your band's songs (like in GuitarPro or PowerTab or something similar) you could practice over "real" drums.

Fucking cool.

Haha! Something else I just thought of...learning how to play drums...I'm sure this could easily help some people learn how to do certain things on drums that they normally wouldn't be able to figure out, etc. Again, say you have a MIDI version of the song that has something you want to learn in it...but you're not able to figure it out by ear, plug the shit up and watch it.

Man...I see a Robotic Drummer + ToonTrack something or other bundle in the future :lol:


lol ive seen this before on a drummer forum i used to go on about a year and a half ago
it was like this but it was a lot more realistic by actually using sticks and beaters, it just sounded a lot more realistic
something about this is that it could replace drummers for big acts where the singer is usually the focus, like pop music, you dont have to pay the robot etc
but it will never replace an actual drummer, its just not realistic enough
EDIT: here it is
Holy crap that robot has more feel and charisma than most real drummers I know - and more sense of humour by the looks of it too.

Now when the fuckers can write music we'll be in trouble but until then I'll be a happy bunny safe in the knowledge terminator is not hear just yet, maybe next year but now I'm safe.
Wonder how long until they install the dildo so it can fuck the singers girfriend too?