OMFG Noltem artwork

Chromatose said:
or, I'd say "finally! never was there a cover more perfectly suited for the music"

dude max if you like it, keep it. but if you want to change it, maybe tone down the yellow stuff or make it one of them hazy or out of focus shots or something. that's what i would do anyhow, but what the hell do i know?
I'd do something with it like this:

Don't worry about it dude, I'm broke as hell. If anyone can get me a vinyl, be sure that I will have the money. If not, don't worry about it and thanks!
Total no offense but it really doesn't look that good with the squiggly thing.... As everyone said, take out the squiggily part with the "aurora" and it'd look a lot better. Or just use a plain black cover with your logo?
"Hisssssssssss" for Noltem. I was stoked to see the Verisakeet cover that they had whored out for months before its release, but I got it and it's just the black jewel case with the logo?
I like the brown colours, makes it look like a Doré work. Maybe you should release it in two versions for the collectors?