omg i feel sooooo sick


Aug 2, 2002
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my dad is really really underweight. his doctor called to say he has 1% body fat and he weighs like 130 pounds. so he must put on weight. BUT his medication for his crazy nerve disorder causes high cholesterol, so he can't have food with a lot of that.
so i just bought 10 different nutrition bars and ate them all to see which ones were gross, and which ones weren't, over the course of the day.
p.s. cliff bars look like hardened dog barf.


how will i ever get my spindly dad fat ?
damn greg, i don't appreciate it :p

well avi,
my dad really hates beer. he's a blazing alcoholic as it is, and will only drink dewars and ice.
we are trying to limit his amount of preservatives so i spend a ridiculous amount of $$ ordering unprocessed cheese for him from italy that he'll actually eat. he has like, NO appetite. i may just have to hold him down and foce feed him biant blocks of tofu.
no preservatives is rough.

i would suggest a miso/french soup concoction with the unprocessed cheese. i can see myself becoming horribly addicted to this.

or, if i can channel Prof Massi for a moment here - PASTA FAGIOLI.
well, my dad is also like wicked tall and he's 53 years old..... and he's a stone mason and burns on average about 5,000 calories a day. he has like, huge muscles and i guess he is doing muscle damage from not having enough calories? plus he has almost no feeling from his knees down due to war injuries so he has to rely on his back and upper leg muscles for all his lifting capacity etc. it's complicated... plus his face hurts all the time. poor dad!

anyway, i am going to go to the nutrition department here tomorrow and see what i can figure out. i know granola has mad fat and calories, as do avocados....
the_preppy said:
well, my dad is also like wicked tall and he's 53 years old..... and he's a stone mason and burns on average about 5,000 calories a day. he has like, huge muscles and i guess he is doing muscle damage from not having enough calories? plus he has almost no feeling from his knees down due to war injuries so he has to rely on his back and upper leg muscles for all his lifting capacity etc. it's complicated... plus his face hurts all the time. poor dad!

anyway, i am going to go to the nutrition department here tomorrow and see what i can figure out. i know granola has mad fat and calories, as do avocados....

If he's tall then I'm sure he's underweight, quick, go feed him noow! :Smokin:

BTW nuts, seeds, coconut are also good :cool:
greg i am glad you're feeling better.

as of now my dad is eating like 8 jars of cashews a day and that seems to be like, making things a little better but i bet he's about tired of them. maybe i will try the seed route.
three other things.

1. i was actually rubbing my good health in toby's face just a little bit. but only toby's because he bitched so much to me about being sick last week.

2. preppy i hope you feel better after your nutrition bar experiment.

3. my new avatar totally shows how i feel. smiling with a flower in my hair well figuratively speaking of course.