OMG I just realized something AMAZING (re: aliens)

FrostGiant said:
Also, mars once had the same climate, etc. as earth but as the sun lost some of it's strength, it got cold and died. Earth then cooled off and was able to support life. If the sun weakens enough before simply sparking out, earth will cool off, etc. etc.
That hasn't actually been conclusively proven yet. In fact it still hasn't been proven that Mars has ever had liquid water, let alone oxygen in its atmosphere :)
Bah. Then how come in Bushes proposal it won't be until 2018 when we get back? If we did it already, shouldn't it be easy to do again?

And what about the well know fact, "Women are from venus, men are from mars." Isn't that proof enough?
Haha, I completely take it back! :D

No, I would imagine it won't be until 2018 because at the time of the first moon landing the cold war was at its peak, and the US were willing to pour money into the space program to beat the USSR. Now there is no such drive, and America's economy isn't exactly the most solid it has ever been. :)
xfer said:
Yes, they have less money than the US, but they also have more drive from political reasons, I would imagine, than the US does :) ESA also does stuff for a hell of a lot less money than NASA. I think it just boils down to landing on the moon again not being that high on good ole Bush's priorities right now :)

But I'm not an expert, so..
Well, we don't really want to go back because we don't want to piss off the aliens on the dark side of the moon. We have an agreement with them. We don't bother them, they don't bother us.
see what Bush doesn't realise is that the Chinese are dirty enough fighters to equip their satellites and rockets with weapons designed to shoot down the naive, defenseless American Apollo rockets when they're halfway there or landed.

"That's one small step forYYEEEAAAAARRGGHHHH!!!!"