Omg look at me being drunk and spelling right! Plus back from Ireland.

Dec 27, 2004
Hey mother fuckers, Im pretty sure im spelling correctly but im not positive. Anyways i just got back from ireland wiht one of my mates and it was fucking sweet and im drunk etc etc. Any of you bitches and hoes been to Ireland? I couldn't believe some of the scenery i saw, it was truely killer, ill have pics soon...yay thrash till death etc etc woooo.

EDIT: And im sure you all missed me and noticed i was gone as well of course :Spin:
I got really drunk listening to the Pogues last night, and it was like I was in Ireland.
Thanatopsis123 said:
Kill Tully is a fake account right? Somebody is using it to parody everything negative in the metalhead stereotype...right?

Yea. All the negative things like...going to ireland.
Which parts of Ireland did you go to? You know, living in England all my life, and having seen so much of the world, I never even made it to the emerald day, for sure!

And for the most obvious question in the history of obvious questions, did the guinness taste different?
Thanatopsis123 said:
Kill Tully is a fake account right? Somebody is using it to parody everything negative in the metalhead stereotype...right?

I can scarcely believe this myself, but he actually has "HEAVY" and "METAL" tattooed on his forearms in Iron Maiden font. Tully is the real deal. The embodiment of metal personified. Between Tully and fotmbm, they will destroy the earth and leave snus-spittle in their wake.
Erik said:
Yeah, so Tully likes heavy metal more than most and is rather outspoken about it, woo, get off his back already

Am I missing something? Why does Tully get so much heat? Has there been an issue in other forums?
JayKeeley said:
Am I missing something? Why does Tully get so much heat? Has there been an issue in other forums?

I was wondering this myself. I have no idea how it started, but oh well doesn't bother me really. And naw I never posted on any other forums untill very recently, I just found Royal Carnage one day when I was looking for Snus stuff believe it or not, haha.

And thank you to all who put up with my stuff and don't get all mad.

Oh and Erik, I will DEFINITLY be seeing Ensiferum at Wacken, so hopfully you will be dragged along because they RULE and you just don't know it yet =).

JayKeeley said:
Which parts of Ireland did you go to? You know, living in England all my life, and having seen so much of the world, I never even made it to the emerald day, for sure!

And for the most obvious question in the history of obvious questions, did the guinness taste different?

We made our way from Dingle to Dublin in a rental car stoping in Kilkenny, Kilarney, Dingal, Shannon...and some other small places. Most people think of Ireland and think of the rolling hills and fields, which in most parts is correct. But the one thing that stands out the most in my mind was waking up in the car driving through the most amazing forest I have ever seen in my life. I was completely in Awe, it was amazing.

And the Guiness does actually taste a bit different there, but also more importantly you can definitly taste the difference between the different pubs Pints, so it was really cool to compare as many different pints as possible...all for research's sake of course :D.

EDIT: Also, the locations might be mispelled =/.
Erik said:
Everyone tells me they're flowery happycrap =(


and Jay, I live in Boston, also I wrote a bit on what you asked me before about ireland a few posts up, just edited the post.
I like Tully, he funny. But this:
Thanatopsis123 said:
Kill Tully is a fake account right? Somebody is using it to parody everything negative in the metalhead stereotype...right?
is funny too.
George Thoroughgood said:
So I go down the streets,
down to my good friend's house
I said "Look man I'm outdoors you know,
can I stay with you maybe a couple days?"
He said "Uh, Let me go and ask my wife"
He come out of the house,
I could see in his face
I know that was no
He said "I don't know man, ah she kinda funny, you know"
I said "I know, everybody funny, now you funny too"
Amen brother.
and Jay, I live in Boston, also I wrote a bit on what you asked me before about ireland a few posts up, just edited the post.

Yeah, read that - thanks. I'm a HUGE fan of guiness, my fridge is never without especially now thanks to the invention of the draught widget. :) I've always wanted to try guiness in Ireland because I hear the peat water content makes it thicker. Supposedly, if you pour a guiness correctly (very slowly), it's supposed to be thick enough to have a coin float on the head.

And the reason why I asked where you're from is because you speak/write like a limey.
JayKeeley said:
f you pour a guiness correctly (very slowly), it's supposed to be thick enough to have a coin float on the head.

Now that you mention it, I should have tried that! It was very very thick at some pubs, the ones that took up to 5 min to poor their pint, most was on average 2min - 3min for a pint.

JayKeeley said:
And the reason why I asked where you're from is because you speak/write like a limey.

Lots of people say that actually, haha. For some reason ever since we where little kids me and my friends have used lots of English not sure why, probobly cuz we thought it made us wicked cool back in the day, haha.
Bird, Mate, Wanker, etc.
Another cool thing to note is that tons of Irish people had been to Boston, and there where tons of Bostonians in Ireland.

More then once the Irish where saying how boston is almost identicle to an irish city, especially Dublin.

"Your Boston is like my Dingal"
- Music shop owner, who coincidentaly played in a pub that is 4 min from where I live.
I reckon people poke at Tully 'cause of his spelling, or rather lack of spelling.

And I've only been to Ireland once, in Dublin. It rained and sky was very grey.

EDIT: But I see you've already covered the spelling part. Man, I type slow compared to you guys.