Fett me kärlek (or there and back again)


Doctor BenQuillity
May 7, 2001
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Okay, for those who are interested in knowing the details of my trip to Uppsala a few weeks ago shall now have the pleasure of reading this horrible piece of raving:


Part 1

My long and hard journey to Uppsala started with a boring train-trip from Kajaani to Helsinki (Helsingforss for the Swedes). After wasting some time and beer, I boarded the Viking Line ferry Mariella, a medium-sized ship full of Finns drinking themselves insensible. My initial intent was to spare my strenght for the upcoming DT-show, but after watching a while the seemingly enjoyable behaviour of my country-mates, I decided to join them.

Can't say I remember much of what happened that night, but I recall I had a pretty interesting discussion with two amphetamin-addicts who were stealing food from the restaurant... Anyway, by the morning the ferry was in Stockholm (Tukholma for us Finns) and I started counting my euros. Not surprisingly, I had spent a lot more than I had intended. Well, I thought, luckily I can use my cash card to draw money on that side of the bay as well.

I disembarked the ship and tottered to a bus that took me to Stockholm centrum, while At The Gates (no, not the band :p) contacted me. We agreed to meet near the railway-station and I attached my "DT-forum member name tag" to my Lethe T-shirt and waited. I tried to clear my head ("adjust myself to the different time-zone") and enjoyed the sight of several beautiful females all around, the thing Sweden is most famous of - right after some homosexual gothic nonsense from Gothenburg (Göteborg for the Swedes; Jööttepori for us Finns).

Recognizing At The Gates in his rare DT Japanese tour -shirt was no hard task and after a brief chat we went shopping. Metal CD/DVD's and beer was our loot and then we went to ATG's home. We both took a shover (not together) and started preparations for the evening. We listened to Damage Done a couple of times through so that I could recognize the songs and watched then some Hammerfall DVD (ATG surely has a huge collection of metal music ranging from great to horrible)!!!

Not long after we set off for the Uppsala-train, I found out that my cash card didn't work in Sweden (thanks a lot Nordea-bank!). Counting my coins, I realized that if I went to Uppsala, I couldn't afford the trip back. Although the thought of spending the rest of my life in Uppsala amidst all those beautiful Swedish women appealed to me for a moment, I decided I had to borrow some money from ATG, aka Daniel.

Note: I think I'll cut the bullshit and try to get to the point faster from now on.

So, we came to Uppsala and goofed around for a while. We had some beers (what else?) and enjoyed the day turning to evening, while anticipation and excitement grew stronger every moment. The views were great, as usual; there were even a couple of nice Swedish girls who offered me condoms and obviously wanted something from me - too bad Daniel ruined it all by speaking politics... :rolleyes:

The Slottsbacken is a nice place with a small stage near a grassy hill with big trees here and there. There wasn't much people there at that time and no DT-shirts others than ours were to be seen. Nevertheless, I proudly wore my name tag and tried to force Daniel to wear one as well. Too bad he's almost twice as big as I am... The band had informed Daniel that they would come there earlier, and a couple of hours before the DT-moment we saw a white minibus driving behind the stage. We went there to see our herous and I was so nervous that I couldn't get a word out my mouth when we finally had a chance to talk with them. It didn't make things easier that they and Daniel were talking in very fast Swedish at times. Nevertheless, the DT-guys seemed to be very happy and friendly, although exhausted by the long trip.

Anyway, I and Daniel set off to buy a couple more beers and agreed to meet the band at the local restaurant. Once we arrived there, the band was already eating (and drinking) and invited us to accompany them (or did they - perhaps we just invited ourselves...). There was now some very interesting discussion going on and the guys were now more relaxed (except Henriksson, who seemed to be stiff all the time - unless sambuka was mentioned :p). Stanne seemed to be the most talkative one and I begun to understand something of what they were saying; filling the parts I didn't understand in my mind with some pieces of chaos theory, suicidal words, self-studying or something else I knew they had to be talking about. :rolleyes:

I was given a backstage pass (which now decorates my table), which allowed one free meal. I ordered some chicken (I think..) and wondered why Niklas had vegetarian food. He explained that he didn't want to protect any animals as he didn't like them, and they could very well be killed :eek: - he just didn't want to eat them.

After the meal we headed back to the Slottsbacken and climbed midway up on the hill and started chatting and drinking beer, plus some wine brought by Niklas. Mikael was again the most talkative one and we had many a good laughs there together. Nicklasson was also very social, although the young girls running around us caught his attention more than once. Jivarp and the Brändströmm-brothers (yes, there were two of 'em) were a bit less noisy, but very friendly, nonetheless. Henriksson had went for the stage, to rehearse / concentrate for the gig I guess, but only He knows :rolleyes:. Niklas was rather quiet at first, but after some alcohol consumption (rather lot by me, rather little by him) we both had courage enough to talk some serious things - like DT-history and his role in the band through the years, etc.


I guess I need to go sleeping now. Expect the part 2 to be ready... you knew it - pretty soon! :p

-Villain (yawn!)
Cool man cant wait for the next issue. :p It was also very nice for the guys in DT to have dinner with you, I would have crapped my pants.:D , and did you guys talk abotu the board members?
@Villain: I like the way you write the story, i expected something shorter, this is very nice :)
"(Göteborg for the Swedes; Jööttepori for us Finns)"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I had a association about Niklas in which he was one of those treehugger-vegetarians. Lucky he wasn't altough his reputation didnt fall in my eyes.
Where they handing out condoms? I didn't realize that..

And I don't think 1 litre of wine is a "little" wine. It's quite a large amount. Although why mixing it with coke? hehe....
Part 2:

Finally darkness swallowed the light and the midnight drew near. The band begun their preparations for the show and we (me, Daniel and Phyre, whom we had just met) just hung around observing our heroes at their work and posed for the camera. The only shot taken of the three of us had half of me left outside the picture - a true professional photographer tried to reduce the ugliness there, I guess :p.

We left the band carrying their instruments and other stuff and headed for the front of the stage, taking good places near the front-row. Then we waited. And waited. And waited. The band playing before our beloved DT was playing awful punk-pop and they had exceeded their allotted time by at least fifteen minutes. The crowd, consisting of drunken teenagers, was having great time while we (consisting of drunken ever-youngsters) were getting nervous. Had it been just the extra wait, I would have had no problems whatsoever, but being informed that there couldn't be any music played after one o'clock, we were afraid that DT would have to cut their setlist (which eventually did happen). Every time the band (what were they called - Bad Cash Quartet?) finished a song, I hoped they would end there, but no - they kept playing and playing and coming back to the stage and playing and... In the end I even thought of lowering myself to throwing some bottles at them (as some people did), but did only express my feelings by showing the finger and shouting "Go away!" every time the singer looked to our direction. Bad behaviour, I admit, especially as some young girl was trying to cover my finger with her hand - but the situation was just too serious for me to feel any sympathy for her or for her idols...

It felt like they would go on forever, but finally they were finished for good, and we rushed for the front-row - which was rather easy due to the fact that Daniel was about three times as big as a typical Bad Cash Quartet -fan. Like the stupid teenagers before us, we screamed and shouted for our heroes as they marched on stage. "Let's go fucking crazy!" Daniel shouted to me and I could but agree - my dream was finally coming true! The band, busy carrying and adjusting their stuff, seemed very concentrated - they threw us a smile now and then, but other than that it almost felt like they were shy of us :eek:! They later claimed they were rehearsing for the gig instead of sound-checking :yow:, but it looked like there was some trouble with the equipment and I was damn afraid that it would reduce their setlist even smaller. Anyway, if there were any real trouble it was handled quickly and all in all the soundcheck didn't take more than ten minutes. And then the show started...


I'm again too tired to finish it... Thanks for the encouraging comments and see you tomorrow.

Originally posted by At The Gates
Where they handing out condoms? I didn't realize that..

Yes they were! But why did you reveal them that I'm a Finn?!? It seemed to work pretty well just by nodding and smiling, even though I didn't understand a word they were saying...

And sorry, no photos of them - I was just too stunned to do anything un-instinctive. :p

but did only express my feelings by showing the finger and shouting "Go away!" every time the singer looked to our direction.
Way to go! ;) :headbang:

Siren (impolite)
Originally posted by Villain
especially as some young girl was trying to cover my finger with her hand - but the situation was just too serious for me to feel any sympathy for her or for her idols...

apparently her idols was embodied in your finger... this should have made you stop to think. :rolleyes: ;)

Thanks for refreshing my memory. The singer for bad cash quartet got arrested for amphetamine at the Hultsfred festival last week..... I hope he gets into jail and finds a male "girlfriend" there.
Originally posted by At The Gates
Thanks for refreshing my memory. The singer for bad cash quartet got arrested for amphetamine at the Hultsfred festival last week..... I hope he gets into jail and finds a male "girlfriend" there.

YESSS!!! :D The law of Karma! You mess up with DT - you go to jail! For the first time in the history of mankind there's some justice involved! :devil:

-Villain (only slightly overreacting)

PS: Forgot to mention - Phyre was also showing his finger. You all should have seen us two standing there among the crowd of crazy teens just standing there, showing our fingers and staring at that singer... :D
Originally posted by Hearse
:lol: Damn I hope no band ever have to play before DT or Opeth, since they get pretty rude welcome/goaway treatment... :lol:
Is that why Opeth is playing first in the first day of rockwave festival in greece this year, just enough for me to miss them? :mad: :mad: :p

Originally posted by Villain
PS: Forgot to mention - Phyre was also showing his finger. You all should have seen us two standing there among the crowd of crazy teens just standing there, showing our fingers and staring at that singer... :D
I'm so proud of both of you :D