Omg look at me being drunk and spelling right! Plus back from Ireland.

Crimson Velvet said:
I reckon people poke at Tully 'cause of his spelling, or rather lack of spelling.

Yea thats probobly it, Im not going to lie, I don't really try to hard to spell when on the int0rweb, except for around here cuz it seems to get peoples panties in a bunch, haha. And even then i still suck =/. Im betting there is a spelling error in this post that somones going to point out and make t3h funni3z.
Yea thats probobly it, Im not going to lie, I don't really try to hard to spell when on the int0rweb, except for around here cuz it seems to get peoples panties in a bunch, haha. And even then i still suck =/. Im betting there is a spelling error in this post that somones going to point out and make t3h funni3z.

Crimson Velvet said:
And you're no worse than Blakkheim! :D

:lol: That guy's funny! I remember when I told him his english sucked on the Katatonia forum and he replied with a short rant about the virtues of his own unique brand of Swenglish!
Pyrus said:

Tully is cool. People just hate him because of his thrash terrorist nature and dedication to drunken mayhem. FIGHT THA POWAR D00D!

I wonder if people still would've liked him a lot if he'd been heavily into brutal DM instead of thrash metal terror :)
Edit: Sorry, for a second I forgot that my opinions are null and void because I happen to like some punkrock, and don't like the music that's considered to be the "crème de la crème" around here. Nor do I have long hair/leather jackets with patches/tight black denim. How could I forget that a person's taste in music and/or general looks is more important than what the person actually has to say :)
Henrik Main said:
Edit: Sorry, for a second I forgot that my opinions are null and void because I happen to like some punkrock, and don't like the music that's considered to be the "crème de la crème" around here. Nor do I have long hair/leather jackets with patches/tight black denim. How could I forget that a person's taste in music and/or general looks is more important than what the person actually has to say :)
It's alright, just make sure not to do it again.
Tully's right, if you can't get to the Old Sod, Boston is the next best thing.

and for those of you in Socal:


Draught Beer:
Henrik Main said:
How could I forget that a person's taste in music is more important than what the person actually has to say :)

Well, duh. :Spin:

If it's any consolation, if I ever feel like exploring the genre which is brutal death, I'll be sure to take your opinion into consideration. :) You rather than GoD and V5, that's for sure!