Disappointment and Expectation

Honestly I like paying for my own shit. I could get whatever I want and not have to feel bad because it's coming out of my own pocket.

I went to get tutored the other day and realized that I also start to feel weird when guys hold open every single door. I know it's something people think they should do but it feels kinda weird if I'm already in the front reaching for it.
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i hold the door for anyone if they're coming through regardless of gender tbh, long as it's not an inconvenience. i wonder if any girls react like that when i do it haha

reminds me of this:
Dates are a stupid way to get to know a potential romantic interest. It forces each person to be in 'date' mode instead of just hanging. The fuck. Out.

It's kinda why I stopped dressing up for dates (unless I'm going straight from work or something). I dress how I would normally dress when not at work and it makes it less stressful and awkward for me.
-ozzman and girl go on a date-
girl: *droning on about boring shit*
my idea of a date is hanging out on the couch watching horror movies with beer and pizza takeout, you'll barely find a 'smart' item of clothing in my wardrobe

You basically stole the words from my fingertips.

Also, b-grade cinema dates that play old random shit, like last year myself and this lass saw John Carpenter's The Thing at like 11 PM. It was awesome.
i hold the door for anyone if they're coming through regardless of gender tbh, long as it's not an inconvenience. i wonder if any girls react like that when i do it haha

If it's every single door like ones they could get or is already in the process of getting it feels weird when someone tries to beat you to it. Not saying to allow doors close on people's face lol. But I've got a bit of a Napoleon complex tbh.

Being in pjs is awesome. So anywhere where you could just be in pjs and chill but be on a "date" is even better
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