Disappointment and Expectation

I dress up for dates the same way I dress up for work.

Depends on the date and time. I have a date right after work today so I'm going in work clothes. If I have a date on, say, a Saturday evening and the place is casual, then you're getting what I would normally wear on a Saturday evening if I'm out and about (jeans/t shirt/wallet chain/etc). I used to dress up for dates, but it made me more nervous than if I dressed casually. It's why I've stopped wearing a tie if I wear a suit. The moment I throw on a tie, I instantly get nervous and awkward (ie: for interviews).

Depends on where the date is. If it's a nicer place I'm going to dress appropriately.

Yeah this should be common sense. Some places won't let you in if you're wearing jeans. I typically avoid those places though.
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Dates are a stupid way to get to know a potential romantic interest. It forces each person to be in 'date' mode instead of just hanging. The fuck. Out.

Yeah good point especially as that's the environment you would see each other in on a regular basis of things get serious... Better to be realistic about it.

What was the saying- about eating, fucking and watching TV being 90% of your 'romantic' interactions anyway?
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And in light of your additional expansion, I amend myself thusly:

Dates are a stupid way to get to know a potential romantic interest if you're looking for something serious. But they are a great way to woo a potential fuck.
You guys are totally missing the point of this thread. It's about embarking on something that you know will turn out a certain way that will be unfavorable to you, but you do so anyways and do little to nothing to change the outcome because you're interested to see how exactly things play out, regardless of the fact that you already know how they will generally play out.
You're still missing the point. I live in east Baltimore, instead of west Baltimore, because I'm not interested in living around that either. I just make very little money and live where I can afford without getting shot. You guys are focusing in on particulars of what I said. It's all about the general.
I played 40k with an underpowered force against a brokenly OP list just to see how badly I would lose, does that count?

Yes, actually. That's just what I'm getting at. Did anything happen that you didn't initially expect when going into that situation, which had an ultimately inevitable end?

Give it some time, this thread is dedicated to a very specific idea that doesn't just come along every day.

No, of course not. One would have to dedicate their life to it if they wanted situations like these, and doing so would inevitably lead to death. That's why it's fun to flirt with when the casual chance arises.
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Yes, actually. That's just what I'm getting at. Did anything happen that you didn't initially expect when going into that situation, which had an ultimately inevitable end?

Yeah, I stole the initiative (only ~16% chance of that happening) and managed to knock out a couple of his units first. Would have been even worse had I not done that. But I also misheard him on whether he had anything he could drop behind my lines so I wasn't prepared for that and it did not go well. I knew it wouldn't go well before we started, it just didn't go well differently lol.
My d&d group last night took down a purple wurm that was fucking annihilating us. Our tanks were in its belly, being crushed and taking acid damage. We knew we weren't done for because we've been playing for near 9 months and the DM ain't a dick, but the genius way he turned the tide was worth clapping for.

One of our first sessions, we came across this ethereal glob creature. Tank touched it, it turned into armor on him that feeds on silver. He has had this armor the entire game, feeding it every few days so it doesn't sap his con.

So its the last fucking turn of crushing and acid damage from this wurm. Like... It seems no hope in sight, tank's in the negatives already, we figure DM is gonna have his god save him.

But then this fucking armor gets the urge to fucking LIVE! Tank dies, it dies! And dammit neither are going down without a fight! It uses an engorge ability, draining all the silver from his pouch, to give him 60 HP or some shit plus a spike shield plus elemental resistance.

He cuts out of the wurm, and with some additional clever casting on my end using a multidimensional tressym delivering touch attacks, we take the motherfucker down.

Is this relevant to the thread? I don't fucking know. Maybe not. But dammit I wanted to share it with because every time I talk D&d anywhere else people roll their eyes.
Stories like this make me want to play a d20 system again. I'm just bored with D&D and Pathfinder tbh. I may get back with an old group and do Warhammer though.
When you have a good group of committed folks with the same sense of humor, IMO, its easily one of the most rewarding social hobbies out there. So many good fuckin stories.
More so than Warhammer because you can spend part of sessions just doing goofy shit. Like our cleric was paralyzed from a corpse crawler still, post-combat. Our rogue draped cloth over his eyes and drew dicks all over his face. In-game, he technically could not have any fucking idea until someone told him.
I dont think I know enough of the right kind of people that I would enjoy DnD with + I barely have the time for my other hobbies as it is. Tis a shame.
If you really wanted to get into it, play by post sites are reasonably non-committal. Although those folks tend to be less fun/goofy and more into hardcore RP'ing with flowery dialogue. You might dig it, being a verbose man yourself.