Omg Omggg Its Teh Hto Hto Hot Girl!


New Metal Member
Mar 11, 2003
Bangalore, India
Ha! I lied.

Anyway, I'm a music listener from Bangalore, India. I live under a pleasant sky and I'm 19 years old. Name's Toto. This seems like THE ultimate metal boards, so thought I'd join in. My favourite metal bands would include Nevermore, Slayer, Judas Priest, Death, Burzum, Immolation, Darkthrone, Morbid Angel, Beherit, Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, old Metallica und Megadeth, Exodus, Venom, Bathory, King Diamond/Mercyful Fate, Napalm Death, Soilwork, Ablaze My Sorrow, Blind Guardian, Atheist, Cynic, older Sepultura etc etc.

Along with that, I also listen to a whole bunch of jazz, blues, classic rock, modern rock and pinches of other styles.

Anyway, wassup? :Smokin:

NP: Dream Theater - Learning To Live
I'm going to pretend that you're a hot girl anyway.

Heyyyyyy... ;) :cool:

*runs away*

That's normal practice for me. :p Welcome!! :wave:
Stoner Rock Chick said:
Russell and Rusty - strangely, I've missed you two.

That is very strange indeed! :err: May I suggest you seek proffesional help? :saint:

Anywho, Rusty, I'm exactly the same as you, and I managed to find a beautiful, lovely girlfriend who asked me out
So it can't be all bad! :)

There is hope yet :zombie:
Stoner Rock Chick said:
Russell and Rusty - strangely, I've missed you two.
Wow, we're officially a double-act. :p But I reckon we should be "Rusty and Russell", seeing as I am clearly the greater party. ;)

Russell said:
That is very strange indeed! :err: May I suggest you seek proffesional help? :saint:
May I suggest you seek professional spelling help?? :saint:

Russell said:
There is hope yet :zombie:
:lol: :lol: Good one!! ;)
Thank yous for the hot welcome, makes this hot girl very 'appy. ;)
Haven't really posted on any other sub-forums yet, due to being immersed in work, but I should be in form by the weekend. Going to be posting a lot about the fragile Indian scene and my website as well. Has anyone heard any indian metal/rock bands?

I actually manage a band here - Kryptos - the best metal band in the country. We are releasing an album pretty soon, very orginal sound - though influenced a lot by power metal, swedish death metal, doom and thrash as well as bits of funk and contemporary jazz.

Anyway, catch ya'll after work.

NP: Dexter Gordon - Blues up and down (live)
Russell said:

I have since discovered this imposted is " some fuckwit" from Rusty's old college, and hence feel very dissapointed and forced to post this:


Its called a Shadow, anyone like map capsule markets?