OMG! This place still exists! eeek

I find it quite interesting that so many threads from way back are still on the first page and going strong.

I remember xenophobe and nafnikufesin by name, but not much else. :B

Did you post on some other forums too all those years ago, nafnikufesin? I have a weird feeling it's because of that I remember your screen name... :)
I originally came to UM to post on the Anthrax board. I don't go to that board anymore as it became flooded with douches when the Joey-vs-John soap opera reached a crescendo, but I still come here because I ain't leaving without the last word. :grin:
Ah, one of those guys, always has to have the last word.


I think I'm confusing you with someone else, unless you were on the Iron Maiden BB about ten years ago. :)

Btw, that gif in your sig is truely mesmerizing.:hypno:
Ah, so I guess you weren't on the official BB then. :) It's funny how one's memory can smear up things. :)

Yes, they are. :grin:
How to tell a forum is deader than dead: Instead of creating a reunion thread, we can just bump the ancient previous one because it's still on the first page.