On Germany Tour with VE


New Metal Member
Jan 5, 2005
In november 2004 a german goth metal band called Xandria was touring through Germany with some finnish bands and they played the complete Viva Emptiness in their breaks [or pauses or however you'd like to call the time between two bands].
I wondered why and later got to know that one or some of the bandmembers is/are quite great Katatonia Fans from the beginning on.
The resonance was really good, most of the visitors did like VE

Do you know of other bands playing Katatonia in their breaks [pauses] or have an idea what kind of music Katatonia are playing in their own?
You mean like... Pre - bands? (I dont know if that's the right translation, but anyway)

When I read that topic, I remembered that Katatonia got an tour canceled with End of Green, they should have been playing in Germany. Hope they tour after their new records, that would be heaven for me. Guess they'll be coming at the same time. The records I mean.
He means they played the Katatonia CD over the PA inbetween the live bands.
I remember some festival gig in the Z7, CH when they did the same thing... too long ago to remember who, though....
Yes, Light is right...

Hmm... I never saw a bandpackage playing Katatonia between the bands before... and I wished there were more bands doing this because it's sometimes fuckin' boring when you're standing in the crowd waiting for the next band and are mostly listening to awefull music like really bad darkwave or stuff like that.

@Serpentia: Heyo... which gigs have you seen [maybe you know me, I'm Lia ...]? And where the fuck did you get the information that the bandleader is a Katatonia Fan? [It's completely right... and I'm the strange girl who brought Viva Emptiness to him *g*]... we were both watching Katatonia at Summer Breeze and enjoying the quite great show ;D
Are you sure that it's a good decision to talk about how much you hate a band when the bandleader's girlfriend is around? :Smug:
However, the good thing of being a human is having an individual taste...

...but weren't we talking about bands who are playing Katatonia on their tour? ;P

btw dear Lord_AgathoN: How did you got to know about the fat kids? ... Have you been there *giggle*?
I remember the dj played "for my demons" after an Opeth gig. Anyways it's nice when u hear good music before a gig, some Kata gigs sometimes have good music before or after (The Mars Volta, sixteen horsepower, paradise lost, etc...)
Sorry for my bad English!

Ether that's really interesting. Unfortunately I've never been to a Katatonia gig.

BloodySwan I was in Osnabrueck and got the information from a friend's friend. I don't know where he got to know that. Yes I know you, you're the sweet one singing Complicity, right?