on the road again...

Hey Dunc,

How many dates are you planning to play on the West Coast? Im trying to arrange my days off when you guys are going to be out here playing.. I would agree with the dead girl.. Magic is much better for the rides then D-Land is.. And D-Land is too damn expensive as it is.. guess I better pick up some merch at the shows to fund the D-Land trip for ya :p
Angl0fdeath said:
Hey Dunc,

How many dates are you planning to play on the West Coast? Im trying to arrange my days off when you guys are going to be out here playing.. I would agree with the dead girl.. Magic is much better for the rides then D-Land is.. And D-Land is too damn expensive as it is.. guess I better pick up some merch at the shows to fund the D-Land trip for ya :p

I am doing the same thing, waiting the for the tour dates so i can put in a request of vacation.

Let's say magic mountain is for the big kids. Disneyland is cool if you have never been there...for the kids at heart!

i know i will most definately being getting merch at the shows, anything to do to help out.
Strangelight said:
stone we're gonna get hammered eh? I need a new drinkin partner female. Finnegan is good in Dublin but she only ever goes to the same pub :( Goatie aggro bollox

heheh there is no other options, yeh..!!?
DragonLady1 said:
Hey Dunc, come over to Austria, a Schnitzel is awaiting u, remember ehehehe. (Its all about meat? ) :grin:
you're goddess!!

i think i love you!! :grin: