once more about Sleepy Buildings

Mariner said:
ah yeah its like the new antimatter one :)

but i thought the same about katatonia but scheisse that didnt count.

btw if you own! the original version then you might find me on the back cover into the audience :) well i think its me, its quite blurry, right on top, with his head into his hands :) cause i think thats laurie anne then next to me :) :) :)

hahaha boss yeah rené told me i was on the cover :tickled:
I cant wait to see that hehehe:loco: ( i ordered the cd but didnt receive it yet :erk: )
Hello, im kinda new in this Forum, i post quite often on the TG´s one and i get to see over there that most of the members like the music of Anathema, (i Myself love the band, a pity i might never get to see them live in Mexico), and now i find into the Anathema hardcore fans ppl who also like TG very much.

I´m happy for that... because both bands have been really criticized for abandoning the metal background... now they make even more emotional music so in my opinion the change fitted just right...

So hugs & kisses to you all fellow music lovers :hotjump:
Oh fock, i just bought the damned thing and... where is my mind... where is my mind.... WHERE IS MY MIIIIIIND???? :yell: :yell: :loco: :loco:
It's soooo, soooo, soooo amazing!!!
Shit Piet, ff why didn't i make it last August??? :confused: :erk: :yell:
I'm listening to Travel just now, maybe one of the best songs written, ever like.. :worship: :worship: :worship:

I wiiiiiiiiish you knewwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!
gorikje, if you find a poster would you be so good to get one for me if possible? id like one myself :o :)

:p thanks dora. :D
Ahh I normally can ask for posters in that shop yes, but I can only ask for them when I buy something, and I don't think I'll buy anything in the near future :erk: So I'll see what I can do... Oh I'm gonna buy the new MDB album though, dunno when it's coming out, but I could ask one then.
Mariner said:
ah shit. i knew it. :( just dont... alrite? it was all my pleasure to do all the stuff for you. mmm? :)
*sigh* I still always feel uncomfortable about those things, I don't want people to think I'm using them :hypno:
When I've got my drivers licence and my iPod I'll drive you anywhere you wanna go and record anything you wanna hear :Spin: