Well Highlander i think most people who love heavy metal would say that they listen to both Iron Maiden and Saxon (as i do).
However, we all have pet bands. some Iron Maiden fans are pretty blinkered though and thats all they go on about,how good they are etc etc.. (yawns long at this point)
well to be quite frank the last gigs have been alright, not superb, just alright! that is because they are just touting about the same crap set and set list. Whereas at least saxon go for the juggular (i haven't a clue what the Juggler has done but they still go for him <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/embarassed.gif ALT="

"> )!!!).
every show i have been to has been awesome in the last three years.
As for the albums the music is miles apart these days.. it is still heavy metal but the gulf between the two bands is huge. As Bajenpatte said one is more guitar riff rock and the other is bass heavy rock with better lyrical content in it. I listen to more saxon these days than i do Maiden i have to say. Mainly because the last albums maiden have done have been pretty weak sounding. I listen to Primal Fear instead of Maiden or hammerfall or Helloween in preference to maiden, as well as a good dose of saxon in all that.
I have to agree with 'Lord.....' over Bruce Bruce (oh yes we remember his days in Samson), he can be irritating some times, vocally that is.
As for covers , well that one is good but don't make it a habit. You have far to much talent in saxon to waste doing covers really. Still it is there album at the end of the day and they have to do some things to please themselves, otherwise why do it?!
overall maiden just don't cut the ice anymore, what we need from them is a really good album that blends Beast with 7th and possibly powerslave, but with as few of the 9 minute songs as possible! dead boring we like to party and you can't do that if someone is going widdly widdly widdly in front of you for 4 minutes on his guitar!! (have to add here though that the Maiden show in Paris, when Bruce rejoined, was absolutely awesome why? great looking stage, lots of smiles and all the best tracks, me thinks that evening Egos were left at the door! best thing that happened then was Blaze formed as well, mega Cool)