One for TEH LAY-DEHS! :)


Blinded By The Light...
Jul 15, 2001
Let's try something a liiiiiiittle ( :grin: ) different......

All you people of TEH Female variety feel free to link to another thread in the Opeth O/T section to let us know who you think the good lookin' young lads are (as we've all but done the same for you lot! :p )

Or if you're feeling exceptionally lazy, then just drop a name in this thread! :grin:



P.s. Click in the OMG smiley, silly! :p :rolleyes:
Well for you information smart-arse! the inspiration for this thread came after you posted your latest BnW pic on the forums! :p

.................. :blush:


And the REAL reason for starting this thread is that, whilie we already have a good idea of what teh ladies think of the various male members.. I honestly wanted to see what features they found to be appealing...... just out of a mild curiousity of course! :blush:

But if that's the way you want it, FINE! I won't come up with any more innovative or even mildly original threads if THIS is how they're going to be treated! :erk:

Well if I could get a single woman to REPLY to the bloody thread then OBVIOUSLY I'd ASK further questions of them, WOULDN'T I! :rolleyes:

*Sigh* :(