Weird metal (especially avant-thrash!)


Children of God
May 4, 2019
I wanna hear some more of the obscure avant-garde side of metal music, especially my beloved avant-garde thrash metal. I'm also going to drop some examples of what I'm talking about in this thread, along with descriptions in case you're not familiar with the bands talked about.

First we have Thought Industry's sophomore effort, the masterful Mods Carve the Pig: Assassins, Toads and God's Flesh. Hear that punkish attitude, funky slap bass, technicality on the level of progressive metal? That fucking bonkers harmonica solo two and a half minutes in? The variety in riffs and seemingly dadaist lyrics? Hell yes.

Another example from Mods Carve the Pig. Check that shit out! Those acoustic guitar textures in the verses, the return of that slight funky sound I was talking about, and just the overall catchy yet incredibly weird melodies throughout. But it also doesn't forget to be heavy, check the hard hitting riffs four minutes in. By the way, this came out in 1993.

This is a song from Doom's album Complicated Mind, the track title is Fall, Rise And...yeah, it doesn't make any sense, because English wasn't their first language. Doom is an avant-garde/progressive thrash metal band from Japan, you see, and they were just nuts. I said thrash but the main riff in this song is more a hard rock / "traditional" heavy metal deal, it seems...until you start hearing some dissonant Voivodian riffs in the verses. But that bridge section is fucking NUTS. It's like an even darker, trippier version of what Voivod were doing on Dimension Hatross. Coincidentally, this came out the same year as Dimension Hatross, 1988. They have even freakier shit than this I'd love to show you all, but it's not on YouTube because their record company are corporate sticklers who don't want us silly Westerners listening to it. Oh well, search for the tracks Killing Time (from Incompetent...) and Ghosts of Princess (from the amazing Killing Field EP) on your own. By the way, my username comes from Doom's album Illegal Soul, which has a cool opening track.

Ah, Disharmonization, the insane second album from Carbonized and a highly experimental work of progressive/technical death metal. Well, there aren't really any growls in this track, but it's one of my absolute favs from this album so it's getting posted. The interaction between the bass and guitars is really something, but my favorite thing is the daunting, surreally scary atmosphere that this evokes, with its fucked up riffs and echoey vocals.

Another example of what this album has to offer, this gets closer to the core of the thing with a mix of very death-y growls and blast-beats with some very jazzy clean guitar parts. Again, amazing bass work and atmospheric echoed clean vox, but also pretty heavy in ways. It's interesting how they take the darkness and heaviness inherent to old school death metal and translate that darkness into a kind of surreal horror.

And lastly, an example from Coroner's darkly atmospheric Grin, and I know Coroner aren't really obscure to hardcore metal fans but it's worth posting. This is the most atmospheric song on the whole album, with the poetry in the verses, those haunting lady vocals throughout, the electric sitar usage in the choruses, and the synths which build up to that awesomely eerie closing section. And that bug outro...especially creeps me out, as I'm not really one for insects.

I'd post an example from my favorite (also weird metal) album of all time, Hypnosis of Birds, but there's a whole thread dedicated to that, so I won't. System of a Down (laugh at me for mentioning them, I don't give a fuck, they rock) also scratches this itch for eclecticity well for me, but everyone's heard them by now, and I got most of my fair share of them jamming Mezmerize back in high school. Anyhow, let's post some more trippy, weird, inventive metal, especially the more obscure stuff! And I don't just mean real technical shit, though I do like myself some Atheist and Watchtower.
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Depressive Age is cool. I was pretty into First Depression, especially Beyond Illusions which is an amazing song.
I sense some Voivod influence in that Obsolete two-fer, to the point that their logo reminds me of Voivod's 90s-00s era logos. The vocals are like the dude from Obliveon, or maybe David DiSanto of Vektor if he were lower register. Cool shit, they riff it out and it's intense. I think it's my favorite of the three because their song structures make the most sense to me.

Bestial Invasion's track was interesting. Their riffs are a bit like if Symphony X were more thrash than power metal, ripping but with a little neoclassical influence. I also liked the intro, cool and atmospheric. The vocals I'm not that big on, though; I usually like high-pitched tech-thrash vocals far more than most, but this sounds like a Bruce Dickinson impersonation from someone with a thinner voice. Also, that "FIGHT!" part with the clanging sound effects annoyed me, but the switch-up after it was neat. They have a good bassist. I'm not huge on this but it's cool to see that brand of tech-thrash being kept alive.

The Trecelence track was good musically, and cool old school looking cover art! The vocals are not my thing at all, but I dig the riff-o-rama style.

Thanks for sharing.
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I fucking love Thought Industry, that band always gets seven thumbs up from me.

Here's some avant-thrash that I really enjoy, Аспид from Russia:

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Good ol Extravasation! Though I don't like the remastered version, it's sped up and the guitars and vocals being higher pitched takes away some of the aggression for me. Recently there was a re-remaster that restores it back to the original speed.

here are some weird-ish things from the outskirts of metal that come to mind

not so much thrash i'm afraid
Oh wow, I didn't know the differences with the Aspid releases. Looks like the CD version I have is the original cut, no idea what link I posted because YouToob is the g-d damned Satan.

I kind of left my Weird Metal days behind me, but I sure was immersed in such a thing for quite a spell. I don't have much avant-thrash, but I do have a lot of avant-WTF if that sub-genre counts.

Some examples of personal favorites that do not necessarily fit into traditional standards:

A few aren't metal, but they are heavy, so whatever. Also add any of the Swans but not actually Swans stuff like DRAINLAND. And all that weirdo sludge shit I picked up 10 years ago when I finally realized that Eyehategod were great. Noothgrush, Khanate, etc., ad infinitum.
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Thanks for all those recs, haven't checked them all yet though. Kayo Dot is some of the same people from Maudlin of the Well right? They rock, they're like a crossover between progressive metal and mellower alt rock. Something about them makes me think they're Canadian even though they're not...maybe it's that they sound very slightly like Godspeed You! Black Emperor to me sometimes, or maybe the singer's voice?
Wow I haven't even thought of Sadness and Dolorian in literally decades. Can't wait for these museum pieces to resound again.

Just so I don't breeze out without a contribution, I'll just mention the first Odradek Room album, which reminded me of the least exuberant sides of In the Woods... There was a follow up released last year but it is not as good.

So we aren't just targeting thrashy metal? Well, shit...I could literally GO THE FUCK OFF in this thread since weirdo metal and weirdo music in general is all I listen to.

But I'm off to a whisky seminar so I'll hit this thread up in the coming days.
To be honest, the main reason I said "thrash" in the OP is because the weird metal (and metal in general) I most listen to is thrash-adjacent, like Thought Industry and Doom. But by all means, go the fuck off!

Speaking of Doom, another track of theirs has been snuck onto YouTube!
That track rocks. Also, this album rocks.

And also, holy fucking shit, how did I forget about Sigh when I was writing the OP? This shit is NUTS.

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