One Hundred Questions with Aversionline is.. well, online!

"Post-metal" I actually heard in the context of In Flames and Soilwork - both named "post-death-metal"...hmmmm...

Is censorship of racist statements more dangerous than the actual statements? - I'd say censorship is no solution to the problem, and the statements are dangerous in that they can provoke (and have already) action and spread such opinions further. The number of credulous harebrains in this world is endless. Plus, they throw shit at metal as a whole. I don't really care what people think about my music, but I don't want them to associate it and me as alistener to nazism or whatever ideologies.
Occam's Razor said:
"Post-metal" I actually heard in the context of In Flames and Soilwork - both named "post-death-metal"...hmmmm...

I've heard Arcturus and Solefald and Ulver and Dødheimsgard referred to as "post-black metal".

Occam's Razor said:
Is censorship of racist statements more dangerous than the actual statements? - I'd say censorship is no solution to the problem, and the statements are dangerous in that they can provoke (and have already) action and spread such opinions further. The number of credulous harebrains in this world is endless. Plus, they throw shit at metal as a whole. I don't really care what people think about my music, but I don't want them to associate it and me as alistener to nazism or whatever ideologies.

My personal view is that a government deciding that some opinions are legal and some are illegal is far more dangerous than absolutely anything that an individual could say.

I also don't think that protesting things that people say, or not wanting to be associated with or in proximity to people who have certain views, is some sort of violation of free speech. If somebody has the right to believe one thing, I have the right to tell them they are full of fuckin' shit.

I'm also against hate crime laws. It makes certain groups more protected, and therefore "special" if that makes any sense, in the eyes of the law. I'm also not going to support laws that criminalize thought like that.

I get stuck on the weirdest tangents.
Sure, are all right. The thing is: if all people were of such reasonable opinion, it would function. These laws and censorship just happen because people are dumb. I also think about parents that want the state to take care of what their children can watch on TV or what video games they play instead of doing proper education on their own - know what I mean?

That whole NSBM thing is awfully funny (I mean: Polish or Brazilian "Aryans"...) and musically ridiculous. But indifference is what already helped the nazi-regime here in the 20s and 30s of the last century.
Almost every "interview" in all the shitty magazines out there these days is like one page anyway, and 60% of it's bullshit pumped in by the author rather than a question/answer format (in my opinion pretty much any magazine that uses "interviews" of that nature sucks).

This is a true statement. The old introduction and then Q&A format is the best and most of the interviews turned into articles are pretty damn bland. I think the proliferation of this style is due to the internet being used more as the questioning device, so the insertion of the interviewer's ideas creates an artificial flow to what would read as clipped and unatural if it was printed up verbatim.

I need to do some interviews soon--when I can stop and start the space-time continuum at will. :(

Aversionline has always been an interesting and informative site and those 100 questions were a good read.