King Fowley of Deceased/October 31 answers One Hundred Questions for LotFP!

Now I've got a better picture of that man than before, actually quite cool...but what's the dislike of Devin Townsend about that seems to go rampant at the moment? Did he ever say he was the reinventor of metal or what?
Occam's Razor said:
Now I've got a better picture of that man than before, actually quite cool...but what's the dislike of Devin Townsend about that seems to go rampant at the moment? Did he ever say he was the reinventor of metal or what?

My guess would be that Devin talks a lot of poo, mocking metal as much as he seems to play it. I find such irony hilarious, especially since seeing them do that to a packed house in 1997 opening for Stuck Mojo and Testament... the crowd hhaatteedd him. "We're from Canada! FFUUCCKKK YOU!" heehee. I swear I was the only person to recognize Devy walking around before that show.
That kind of humour seems to be too much for the average banger...and maybe he should be shot for helping things like Soilwork to get into the fore, who have picked up on what they have learned from him and keep churning that out with every new album.
i'm just not a fan of strapping young lad or devon townsend in the least. having fun is great. good attiude for sure. i just don't find the guy really worth my time on any level of heavy metal talk.

thanks for the welcome! i might not type much for awhile after the surgery i had to have for 'over typing' in that damn interview on saturday! haha
That may be the best way to approach answering 100 questions--just rip and type without getting too bogged down or starting and stopping at risk of never finishing.

king fowley said:
It's a fucking mess is what it is!

It is not all bad though, since there are some people like you out there King willing to say as much, tell it like it is and point the way towards looking at things in a different light. :) The underground will always survive as long as you are around, King. Thanks for the music and the words of wisdom!

The when I saw that back as a kid, I was just blown away. The scene where the guy's chest caves in and bites off the hands of the doctor....yikes...and that spider-like creature somebody's head or something turned into made me crawl up on top of the couch it creeped me out so bad.

Good story too. I hope Carpenter makes a really good film sooner or later, because the past few have been so-so at best.

Looking forward to the Malt Soda Bash in the big city.

well thanks dbb! i have always called it as i see it, i've been in love with music for too long to watch folks abuse and make mockery of it at times.

always gonna be that way, it's in my personality i guess.

yes 'the thing' is a fantastic movie. one of VERY FEW remakes that outdoes the original. the effects in this are ming boggling, especially for the times. i saw it the day it came out at a local drive in movie theatre on a double bill with 'the brood'. it just blew my mind the angle they took on the film. if you havn't already, let me recommend you watch the behind the scenes 'making of' on the dvd. there's so much cool stuff to it. especially the lady who scaled models of the room where the dogs are all locked up. to see her hold that entire room in her hands and see little clay figures of everything in the scene is just too insane. it looks EXACT!

yeah carpenter has been dull and lifeless for some time. that stinks!
from a man who brought us 'halloween', 'the thing', 'assault on precinct 13' and 'christine', he can do alot better then his last few efforts.

by all means please come up and say 'hi' in the malt soda big city bash gig.
lookig forward to it.

all the best to ya'