One Mix = No Opinions


fix it in the mix
Nov 25, 2005
Hi Guys!!
Just wanted to share a mix I´m doing that includes guitars (miced with 2 sm 57:s - flying V)
Bass (miced w akg 414 + di)
Drums(snare + toms Shure Beta98 - oh miked each cymb w GA R2 Ribbonmic (w 8-figure pattern) Ride + hh miced w neumann KM 140 + kick miked w Shure Beta91.
Amps that were used: guitars=5150+Engl bass=ampeg svt-3
Vocals and solo have been removed.
All stuff recorded thru Neotek Elite into Nuendo 3.1. Edited in PT 7.1. Monitors are Genelec 8040 w sub.
Hope a "you send it file" is ok!!!
OH-the mp3 is at 256.
There are some glitches here and there - don´t mind them they will be removed.

well, pretty damn superb!

I especially like how its not overly compressed, there are plenty of dynamics left.
The drums in particular are great, especially the snare, the reverb tail on the snare at the end made me relook at my own mixes.
Is it you playing everything? the performances are also great.

Really cant give advice on what to improve, I will post something I am working on later when I feel a bit less intimidated!

Well done!
I love how the drums sound, but I think the guitar is missing something...250hz 350hz 550hz 3000hz.

I like the bass guitar, it could be a bit louder but it's pretty nice as it is. :)

That's just my oppinion though. Mind you I'm pretty much a newbie :)
Ps. The song rocks :rock:
I like this...

Constructive: it's very much a "drums first" mix. They're really in your face. They sound cool though. I agree that the guitars are lacking something - maybe some high end. They don't quite sit in the mix and it makes the overall mix sound "unglued" (for lack of a better term).

I love the bass tone. Could be louder in the mix, but it's not completely disproportionate to everything else and cranking it could kill the mix entirely.

Overall, I dig it although as I listen I keep wondering how the vocal sounds. Any particular reason why the vocals were removed?