:lol::lol::lol: Whatever it is I have but I'll be packing!!

No just one...:lol::lol::lol:

Just kidding, I have no idea why saying these things seem funny to me:lol::lol:

I still have a little 4th grader running around in my brain...

HAHAHAHA! It IS funny, and you're lucky you have just one, there's a whole VILLAGE of em' living in my head! :lol:
yep, just a few more days now. :cool:

and for those wondering if they should come on in early to catch EBS open the night for Midnight and Circle II Circle, here are some observations from folks who saw them back in Feb when they opened for CIIC the first time:

Wow, it's not too often you go to a show to see a headliner and are equally blown away by support acts. Sure, even the biggest names start out in the opening slot at some point in their careers, but this night was so special.
From the very first note to the last, EBS was a treat. You guys have so much talent and SO MUCH potential. I look forward to following your progress as you move up the food chain! Patrick, I had no idea you had those pipes!!

For a relatively young band, I thought EbS did a fine job. Their future's so bright, they'll have to wear shades...

I was VERY impressed by EBS. It was my first time seeing them and I thought they had the best sound of any band of the night. Looking forward to you guys coming to Columbus GA for a show.

Eclipsed By Sanity- My "Wow" moment for the night. They keep getting better and better.

so don't miss your opportunity to catch these guys on stage. You won't regret it! :kickass:
It's hard to believe that it's almost upon us again... it will be good to see old friends and make some new ones! :)
I'm working straight through until end of thursday. I'll be there friday though! counting the days :)
Theoretically, I'm at work this Monday and Tuesday, and heading down for the festivities on Wed. before picking up my room on Thursday afternoon.

My car's clutch/transmission picked yesterday to die, though (148,000 great miles later, so I'm not too surprised), so now I'm just hoping I'll have a car come Wednesday. :erk:
yep, just a few more days now. :cool:

and for those wondering if they should come on in early to catch EBS open the night for Midnight and Circle II Circle, here are some observations from folks who saw them back in Feb when they opened for CIIC the first time...

Hey Hoyt, will there be any EBS merch available at the show, particularly some form of CD? I've enjoyed the tunes on their myspace and might be enticed.
Ugh! Only one more week of torture for me to endure thinking about missing my first ProgPower in 7 years. It's going to be a long hard week. I can't wait until it's over so I can stop pouting and hating everything. :cry:
Ugh! Only one more week of torture for me to endure thinking about missing my first ProgPower in 7 years. It's going to be a long hard week. I can't wait until it's over so I can stop pouting and hating everything. :cry:

I hate your missing it. I am starting to wonder if I will make it. I have tickets from Thursday on but it has been one hell of a weekend. My wife was in the Emergency Room Friday and the hospital yesterday and I wrecked my car Friday. This after the wife wrecked our van last month and we still don't have it back. I am still going to try and pull it off but it is touch and go right now.