One Night Only - Cool vid and fun indie pop song

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Some people have been raving about this young band over here. They are like a poppy dancy indie band with quirky lyrics and epic production values. They are only boys but this song is very hooky. The video features Emma Watson no less. I think you may fall in love with Emma if you watch this video - she looks so innocent and cute. Watch out for the bit where the dude licks Emma's face. Ick! :)

Some people have been raving about this young band over here. They are like a poppy dancy indie band with quirky lyrics and epic production values. They are only boys but this song is very hooky. The video features Emma Watson no less. I think you may fall in love with Emma if you watch this video - she looks so innocent and cute. Watch out for the bit where the dude licks Emma's face. Ick! :)

I'm really trying not to be an ass here, but I have to question why bands like these are being brought up on this forum. This is actually something I would listen to every once in a while but how is this progpower, let alone metal or even hard rock related?
True but why didn't you pipe up when I posted about Deicide? They are just as much not prog and power as this band although I give you that they are metal at least haha! Which is not the case with this band of course. I just thought it was a cool tune and some people of the prog power persuasion may enjoy it for a minute or two and then move on. My problem is I can't help wanting to post about music I find here and there whatever style it is if it sounds good to me. Sticking to prog, power and the odd nasty evil worshiping band here and there from now on boss! :)
True but why didn't you pipe up when I posted about Deicide? They are just as much not prog and power as this band although I give you that they are metal at least haha! Which is not the case with this band of course. I just thought it was a cool tune and some people of the prog power persuasion may enjoy it for a minute or two and then move on. My problem is I can't help wanting to post about music I find here and there whatever style it is if it sounds good to me. Sticking to prog, power and the odd nasty evil worshiping band here and there from now on boss! :)

:lol: I wasn't trying to put you down as much as just being curious as to why it's posted on here. Like I said, I wasn't trying to be an ass. For me in my opinion anything that is metal or hard rock is pretty relevant here. I understand the finding music you enjoy and being tempted to post it wherever you can though.
Hey Fire breath...if only more Pop was like this ^^^I might give it a listen from time to time, like back in the day. Never heard of One Night Only before but thanks for enlightening me today. As they say, variety is the spice of life. Also, one cannot deny the cuteness of Emma Watson!