One reason I don't listen to much black metal...

I like how Mayhem are still completely evil after all these years. Many other bands kind of mellowed out or went all commercial.
ya i also dont like ANY black metal because of that band.
HAHAHAHA, fuck that shit. Getting injured at shows is heavy metal! If I got my head cracked with a skull from Mayhem, I'd consider it an honor.
KielbasaSausage said:
ya i also dont like ANY black metal because of that band.

Yeah, because that's what I said.

I said I don't listen to it much because the "image" of many of these bands takes away greatly from the music.

I can tolerate some Mayhem, such as songs like Funeral Fog.

But lyrics about disembowling people and raping the guts, or carving up sheep on stage just takes away from the music.

I still enjoy some Black Metal, such as Ulver and Borknagar.
Oyo said:
It's not like they threw the skull at him, it was an accident.

Mayhem rules, btw.

I'm not talking about the guy getting injured, I'm talking about the band carving up a sheep on stage in the first place.
I don't really like Mayhem's music at all. The only BM I listen to so far is Emperor and Diabolical Masquerade. And DM seems really underrated for some reason, I never see it mentioned at all, when it's some of the best music I've heard.
Black Metal...its always been the "shocking" side of metal. Image has a lot to do with it dude. Thats fucking have to have a stage show man!

As sick as it is, I was reading about this punk band where the singer walked on stage naked, squated down, shit, and then rubbed it all over his face.

That is a fucking band that will do anything for a good show.
If you want to see something "shocking" you might as well see Marilyn Manson. Shock value is not the reason I go see live music. I don't see anything enjoyable in it.
But lyrics about disembowling people and raping the guts, or carving up sheep on stage just takes away from the music.
Have you ever read Mayhem lyrics?

EDIT: Minus "Deathcrush." Those lyrics were pretty brutal.

I can't think of any black metal that has those kind of lyrics. Most black metal is either about Satan, Norse mythology, nature, war, etc.
Yeh, I originally heard about the Mayhem (gayhem) incident on the BWBK news section..I think it's fucking hillarious...
MAYHEM - Flying Sheep Head Fractures Fans Skull! [Life in Black - 03.03.10 17:00:45]

At MAYHEM’s March 6th show in Bergen, Norway (487 km west of Olso), a flying sheep's head hit a concertgoer and fractured his skull.

The band was carving up a dead sheep as part of its stage act when the animal's head flew off lead singer Maniac's knife and struck Per Kristian Hagen, 25.

"My relationship to sheep is a bit ambivalent now. I like them, but not when they come flying through the air," Hagen told The Associated Press Monday from his hospital room. "I have a headache now." He is expected to recover.

Hagen, a Mayhem fan, filed involuntary assault and battery charges against the band. The charges carry a maximum sentence of six months in prison.

Mayhem member Rune Eriksen, whose stage name is Blasphemer, said the incident was unfortunate. "The whole thing was an accident, but maybe it would be an idea for another show," he said.

Eriksen promised Hagen a free ticket to the group's next performance.

Police detective Carl-Petter Leganger told the AP an investigation has started, but "nothing suggests this was a conscious act."
"Eriksen promised Hagen a free ticket to the group's next performance."


Not so sure I'd really want to go to another one...and I must say that this whole image thing is basically a bunch of bullshit. I might concede that it's a small part of a band's act, but a lot of black metal artists are just totally wasting their time, IMO.
I dunno, I like the idea of a band putting on a show, I mean why bother going to a gig if the band is just going to stand there, you'll get a better sound quality if you stay at home and listen to the cd (although not necessarily the case with some Mayhem releases ;)).