One thing I really respect about Mike...

Originally posted by Eirik
but, Katatonia, for instance, have the line "too much fucking emo" which I think fits...
Yes! Actually I was shocked when I heard that part first time and I had to listen to it few times in a row and check the lyrics. I'm used to it already but still it "jumps" in my ears every time.
There is another Katatonia "fuck". But I can't remember the actual line. It's on Don't Tell A Soul, I think. But there are so many better adjectives than "fucking" (for example), so I don't see the point in using swearwords.
Yeah, I found this weird when I was sitting there listening to the whole collection, and I got up to BWP, and said to myself, 'Hey, I havent heard one single swear word in any of these albums'

I found it very cool, and I started to respect them more since that time :D

I even told my mum and she found it cool that a metal band has no need to swear.
