One-Time Geniuses who have sucked for decades

Clapton came up in another thread and it got me to thinking....Guys who were once considered titans but haven't produced but shite in years upon years.

The Who: can we please stop calling this Entwhistle/Moonless duo the Who? seriously. I know Townsend is the songwriter and Daltrey the singer, but there's no more life here. Zeppelin is one of the few groups who has had the total class to quit when they realized they had lost an integral part of what they were.

obviously, Clapton. has he done anything worthwhile beyond (maybe) 461 Ocean Blvd? Even the Layla project was goosed up by the presence of Duane Allman. I swear if I have to hear any more of his unplugged CD in stores, hallways, elevators, mens lavatories, etc, I'm gonna go on a knife wielding terror spree.

Rod Stewart. Once considered one of rock's finest singers, and he still has skills, but he deploys them on behalf of utterly flaccid crap. His first three solo albums are all masterpieces, and Stay With Me from The Faces, but other than that....muh. Chicks dig him (he's on his way to marrying his third supermodel amidst a string of blonde beauties....but gag.

Jimmy Page. The project with the Black Crowes used competition with young guns to get him out of his wheelchair but seriously, what has he done, really, since about '74? Perhaps living in Crowley's mansion sapped his soul.

Rolling Stones. I admire Keith Richards, in fact, virtually revere him, I really do. But they haven't done anything worthwhile since Some Girls. But I guess when you can go on stadium tours and sell tickets for $800, you don't have much incentive to strive.

Black Sabbath (original lineup) - If they're gonna do these summer shed tours, why can't they do a studio album? Bah.

Deep Purple - without Blackmore they are merely a mild blue pastel. no amount of pyrotechnics can compensate.
Agreed about the Stones, Sabbath, and Stewart. Hang it up fellas, you're only making your classics difficult to listen to. Clapton always sucked, unless Jack Bruce was telling him what to do. :)

And yeah, Zeppelin had class for hanging it up when Bonzo died. I've always really respected that. *achoo* METALLICA *HAAAAAAAAACK*
One Inch Man said:
Clapton always sucked, unless Jack Bruce was telling him what to do. :)
haha well Bruce has had a pretty spotty career as well, but he's definitely the better singer, as well as a stellar bassist. And let's not even bring up the subsequent career of Ginger Baker :lol:

one guy who's produced alot of shit is Lou Reed, but he's been on a resurgence lately, and what can you say about VU....
how long is White Light/White Heat? 17 minutes? NOBODY was doing shit like that back then except maybe some free-jazzers.
at this point all these bands (Metallica included) really do not need to release any new material. I don't think many people would care anyway.
i don't think anyone goes to their live shows wanting to hear any "new shit"
lizard said:
how long is White Light/White Heat? 17 minutes? NOBODY was doing shit like that back then except maybe some free-jazzers.
Are you thinking of Sister Ray? The title track on that one is pretty short, but Sister Ray is around 17 minutes I think.

I remember watching that game on WGN. He was less coherent than even Harry Caray. WGN fired the best commentator in baseball--Steve Stone--because he disagreed with their lousy manager Dusty Baker and managment. Bastards.

Anyway, Id agree with all of the above conclusions. Although Psycho man and the other new song Sabbath put out on their live reunion album werent too bad. Id like to see another Sabbath album.
here's the mp3...

yeah, Carey kinda belongs in this thread, doesn't he. man, the way he butchered latin and asian (and many european) names was a train wreck. At the end you couldn't tell if he had gone back to the budweiser or if his total incompetence was the cumulative result of his strokes.

hey speed, that guy on the Reds radio broadcasts is headed in that same direction. At the end of games where he says, "This is the old lefthanderrrrrrr, rouuuuuuunding thirrrrrddddd and headingggggg for hommmmmmmmmme."
speed said:
Anyway, Id agree with all of the above conclusions. Although Psycho man and the other new song Sabbath put out on their live reunion album werent too bad. Id like to see another Sabbath album.

I didn't like those songs at all tbh.

In any case, Ozzy returning to the band doesn't really add much these days. It's really all based on whether Iommi can still write a good song. If you HONESTLY think about it, Sabbath haven't released a SOLID album since "Heaven and Hell", and they've released 9 studio albums since then.

I'd like to see Sabbath perform with Ozzy just so I can say, 'yeah I did that'. Otherwise, they need to quit, I agree. Nothing to do with age, it's about the quality of songs they produce.
When is the last time Sabbath released an album? 10 years ago? How many tours since then? 1,786? Bullshit.
JayKeeley said:
Tour playing strong material >>>>>>>>>>> in the studio recording shit fodder
There's something depressing about seeing a band ignore all their new shit, especially so if the band has nothing new to even show! Like the first Sabbath reunion was cool, you go around playing lengthy setlists of exclusively your old great stuff, awesome. But years and years on end? That's ridiculous. Then if you can't do anything but write new shit material for years, either hang up the axe or move on to a different project.

"Get to the 'taking care of business' part!!!"
How often do Sabbath tour live with Ozzy?

In any case, seeing the same tour for 8 years in a row doesn't apply to someone who has NEVER seen Sabbath in any shape or form. It's gotta be done. Fuck, if I can go see the likes of Deicide in a hole-in-the-wall dive bar in Queens, I absolutley 100% can go see Black Sabbath play in a stadium.

And I don't care what any of you says, Geezer Butler is the man, even today! :kickass: