Online Gaming


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland
Anyone play games online? I play Age of Empires and have for awhile, but nothing outside of that. If you ever see me online for like 4 hours and not doing anything, then I'm playing Age of Empires. :p
If I ever get above a 56k modem connection, then I might get into online gaming...but only if I'm certain I'll win :p
i played some diablo 2 online a few years ago, but the entire "scene" was crowded with cheating pricks who ruined all the fun for those who rather did it legit. but i've almost stopped playing computer games at all.
almost... hehe right now i'm playing age of wonders: shadow magic and unhealthy amount of hours each day :D
I used to play Adrenaline Gamer Mod for Half-Life , I was pretty good , but the level is very high .
I'm still on Starcraft:Broodwar , my all-time favorite game : )
I forgot about Final Fantasy sounds like a right riot but I doubt I'll ever touch it seeing as you need all these expensive gubbins and I've hardly touched a Final Fantasy game since August :eek:
One day, there is going to be only one game worth playing on-line. Resident Evil Online.

You go in as a zombie hunter-killer. You get infected, you become one of the living dead, and then it's your mission to kill and eat all remaining humans. Very cool concept based on how long you can last without being zombiefied or ripped apart.
I just uninstalled my Baldur's Gate online thingy the other night because I know I'll never use it.

Online gaming isn't my thing really, but then again 2 months ago computer gaming wasn't either, so who knows. If and when I get a military game I'll probably look into the online side, but the amount of cheaters out there is a bit discouraging.
I'm probably getting very rusty... I'm just waiting for Sorath to get his fucking broadband connection already, then when he has we can play all three omfglol!
Erik said:
I'd play online if anyone'd dare to challenge me in Total Annihilation. Total annihilation of teh you would ensue.

hehe that game is awesome, but it was some years since i played it, don't even know where i have the cd anymore. a pal and i downloaded loads of cool unit packs which made the game crash all the time, but it was fun while it lasted :)

what are you? core or arm?
I prefer Arm most of the time (he he Flash tanks,) but really I can play either (Core... HE HE GOLIATH TANK)... It's a GREAT game. I mean, it's from 1997 and still has a VERY active community; ( and some people are even re-making the game for the Unreal Tournament 2003 engine -- check that should say something about its quality eh? I don't care for third-party units though. If you have the 3.1 patch and the units from the Core Contingency expansion pack, you're set. Third-party stuff easily unbalances the whole thing, although there are some extremely well-made 3rd party units and maps around.

There are still lots of people to play on the Internet. Trouble is, in six years they've all gotten fucking über-good to the point where I'd have no chance whatsoever against them.
Erik said:
I'm probably getting very rusty... I'm just waiting for Sorath to get his fucking broadband connection already, then when he has we can play all three omfglol!
Yay! And I was just searching my house, and I can't find the fucking disc >_<
I'll just pick it up again for 3$ hehehe.