Online Gaming

Conspicuously Absent

Linguistically Confused
Mar 27, 2005
yea yea, it's geeky and shit... but it's fun.

anyone else play any of these games? and if so, which ones?

I play Dark Age of Camelot, it's a fun way to pass the time (cause i'm up all night on my days off cause I work graveyard shift and nobody else is awake then! )...

on an amusing note... i ran into a guy named Jkeely and his guild had the horns for an emblem. was fucking awesome... and almost weird.
Played Starcraft to a high level . Kinda ruined my life . kthxbye ; (
cthulufhtagn said:
i hate mmorpgs, they suck and steal your friends

i disagree with that.... they're quite fun and only steal your friends if you try too hard :p I play quite casually (usually after I get home from hanging out with my friends "all night" which is around 3-4am. I'm still wide awake so i play for 3-4 hours before I go to bed. It's the curse of graveyard shift.

I used to play them a lot while I was in high school because my friends had homework while I did not ( i did mine in class instead of wasting time). Plus theres a whole lot of fuck all to do in the town I live in, so it's something me and my friends can do together thats fun.
I played WoW until they put in the battlegrounds and ruined PvP. Thats why i'm back to dark age of camelot, best mmorpg pvp ever. seriously, it fucking rocks in 8v8.
Playing Starcraft online was enough for me. Damn those rushers with their zerglings!
It's Battlefield 2 for me as well right now. I can't see anything dethroning this for a longggg time to come. They really thought this game out perfectly. I am purposely staying away from WoW because I would never get any work done otherwise. BF2 is bad enough!

Thanatopsis you have X Fire (i just discovered this thing)? If so we'll have to hook up one night and slaughter some enemies \m/
I used to play in a Medal Of Honour: Allied Assault clan called [DS]. (Death Squad). My short (but pretty successful) career lasted from June 2003 to October 2004. We actually were amongst the top 10 teams in the European Team Deathmatch Ladder at Clanbase for a while. I quit because the scene became infested with cheaters and anti-cheat developers who ripped the community off. That pretty much ruined the game for me.

I play the odd game of CS:S now and then, and I'm decent enough. I used to be pretty damn good at MOHAA, though, ;p
fotmbm said:
THIS is a very clever thing to do, unless you're sleepy in class and don't do anything at all

I never had this problem, i made a deal with the drafting teacher (he's a young guy, plays rugby and mountain bikes, keeps a flat of beer in his truck :p) to be able to use his coffee maker, so I always had free coffee at school :p
I used to play WoW up until recently when I decided to cancel my account. The game was great, but just something wasn't doing it for me. I'm going to be starting up the classic Everquest again just for shits and giggles. Maybe I'll have a grand time, or maybe I'll go completely insane again... who knows? That's the best part!!
SEOUL, South Korea - A 28-year-old South Korean man died of exhaustion in an Internet cafe after playing computer games non-stop for 49 hours, South Korean police said Wednesday.

Lee, a resident in the southern city of Taegu who was identified only by his last name, collapsed Friday after having eaten minimally and not sleeping, refusing to leave his keyboard while he played the battle simulation game Starcraft.