Online Gaming

Starctaft is/was so big in Korea , that's freaky. Pro gamers , fan clubs , massive tv hosting with sponsors . Some were almost the most famous people in their country at some period. Could never happen in an occidental society , fortunately :)
MFJ said:
I used to play WoW up until recently when I decided to cancel my account. The game was great, but just something wasn't doing it for me. I'm going to be starting up the classic Everquest again just for shits and giggles. Maybe I'll have a grand time, or maybe I'll go completely insane again... who knows? That's the best part!!

Same here, I have very fond memories of that game (referring to World of Warcraft), but something was missing. I need to try Guild Wars.
MetalAges said:
It's Battlefield 2 for me as well right now. I can't see anything dethroning this for a longggg time to come. They really thought this game out perfectly. I am purposely staying away from WoW because I would never get any work done otherwise. BF2 is bad enough!

Thanatopsis you have X Fire (i just discovered this thing)? If so we'll have to hook up one night and slaughter some enemies \m/

No, I dont' have X Fire but have heard of it so I guess I'll go look into it. And sadly, BF2 wasn't thought out "perfectly." I was on a ranked server last night where at the start of the round I got in some mobile AA and shot the 4 missiles at an enemy chopper that was coming from their main base (completely opposite where any of our team was) and suddenly had -21 points with no team damage or tk warnings. WTF?