Online Metal Awards 2002


Raging Heathen!
Sep 10, 2002
Northern Shores Of The Humber
Visit site
I think this year I shall be voting for:

Album of the Year - Mob Rules - Hollowed Be Thy Name
Artist of the Year - Rolf Harris.. Oh! That kind of Artist errm Dan Zimmerman for his work in both the Rays and Freedom Call
Best Live Artist - Gamma Ray
Best Newcomer - Powerquest
Best Metal Website -
Best Metal Store (Online) -
Best Metal Store (Offline) - steel wheels
Best Label - SPV
Best Metal Radio (offline) - Totalrock (doom&co)
Best Metal Radio (online) - N/A
Best Unsigned Act - Infobia
Best Tour - Gamma Ray - Skeletons In The Closet
Best Festival - Bloodstock02

I might change my mind later as these are just the first that came into my head
Great Topic Eagle!

Personally, I will be voting for :

Album of the Year - Hmm..Really hard choice, but I think I'll go for Pagans Mind - Celestial Entrance or Freedom Call - Eternity. Though there has been a lot of great releases this year.
Artist of the Year - Dan Zimmerman. Have to agree with you Eagle :)
Best Live Artist - ManOwaR
Best Newcomer - Power Quest
Best Metal Website - &
Best Metal Store (Online) -
Best Metal Store (Offline) - Platekompaniet..hehe..
Best Label - LMP
Best Metal Radio (offline) - Metal Daze
Best Metal Radio (online) - Ambolt
Best Unsigned Act - Shadow Warriors :D
Best Tour - ...don't know..
Best Festival - 1001 WaTT -02

NP: Arthemis - Quest for Immortality
i'll made my pick but from where i am in quebec there is no metal show at all on tv or radio so i cant vote for that

Album of the year:Dark tranquillity - damage done or Freedom call - The eternity
artist of the year: Dan Zimmerman got to agree with both of you
best live artist: IN flames and Iced Earth
best newcomer: Powerquest
best metalwebsite: and
bestmetal store (online): the end record
bestmetal store (offline) HMV only music store near my home:/
best label : nucleat blast
best tour: Dark Tranquilllity and Arch Enemy
best festival: no metal festival in my part of the world :/
My picks would be:

Album of the Year: Blind Guardian - A Night At The Opera...hard to choose as there have been so many good releases this year!!
Artist of the Year: Dan Zimmerman...I think we all seem to agree on that one.
Best Live Artist: Gamma Ray
Best Newcomer:Power Quest
Best Metal Website:
Best Metal Store
Best Metal Store Offline: Steel Wheels
Best Label: LMP
Best Tour: Annihilator - Waking The Fury 2002
Best Festival: Bloodstock02

This is spookily like Eagle's ...... :grin: