Online music project

i actually already have a riff made from a year ago that sounds pretty good. its got drums to it, bass, and two guitar parts. the only thing is it's in 11/8. ill import it in if you guys wanna check it out.
hmm i think we should try not to make it sound like bloodbath. whats the point of making music if youre just going to copy someone else's work? i dont know what you guys think, but i personally beleive we should all try to come up with riffs that sound good and different from anything else out there. if everyone generates their best ideas and works off of each others ideas, i bet we could come up with some really original stuff.

or we could try and do a bloodbath tribute thing. and maybe if thats good enough....theyll put the track on their cd as payment for making us wait so god damn long. (hint hint blakkheim, im looking at you)
You guys know you can even sort of "jam" online if you want to work on songs real-time?
Check it out:

NINJAM is a program to allow people to make real music together via the Internet. Every participant can hear every other participant. Each user can also tweak their personal mix to his or her liking. NINJAM is cross-platform, with clients available for Mac OS X and Windows.

NINJAM uses compressed audio which allows it to work with any instrument or combination of instruments. You can sing, play a real piano, play a real saxophone, play a real guitar with whatever effects and guitar amplifier you want, anything. If your computer can record it, then you can jam with it (as opposed to MIDI-only systems that automatically preclude any kind of natural audio collaboration1).

Since the inherent latency of the Internet prevents true realtime synchronization of the jam2, and playing with latency is weird (and often uncomfortable), NINJAM provides a solution by making latency (and the weirdness) much longer.

Latency in NINJAM is measured in measures, and that's what makes it interesting.

The NINJAM client records and streams synchronized intervals of music between participants. Just as the interval finishes recording, it begins playing on everyone else's client. So when you play through an interval, you're playing along with the previous interval of everybody else, and they're playing along with your previous interval. If this sounds pretty bizarre, it sort of is, until you get used to it, then it becomes pretty natural. In many ways, it can be more forgiving than a normal jam, because mistakes propagate differently.

Part tool, part toy, NINJAM is designed with an emphasis on musical experimentation and expression.

How does NINJAM work?
NINJAM uses OGG Vorbis audio compression to compress audio, then streams it to a NINJAM server, which can then stream it to the other people in your jam. This architecture requires a server with adequate bandwidth, but has no firewall or NAT issues. OGG Vorbis is utilized for its great low bitrate characteristics and performance. Each user receives a copy of other users audio streams, allowing for each user to adjust the mix to their liking, as well as remix later. This uses more bandwidth than having a server encode a single stream, but has numerous benefits (including lower server CPU use and the client having the full multichannel data for later use).

NINJAM can also save all of the original uncompressed source material, for doing full quality remixes after the jam.

For some samples of how NINJAM can sound, see samples directory.
At this point, I have zero musical talents to contribute to this project... but, I would like to commend the author of this thread on giving people something to do, to bide their time whilst waiting for the new disc. This is a far more constructive project than the typical *bitch*whine*moan* over the lack of updates. Kudos to all participating (in the former, not the latter!)
I agree it should be original. I think if it does end up sounding Bloodbath-ish by some co-incidence fine, but we should not TRY to sound like anything. Just go with what we want to write.

But still, Emetic Has already given a contribution so I say people give a response. We can't write anything off, and so far no one has responded to it. Would it be easier for everyone to keep in contact outside the forums?

I personally thought it sounded alright, maybe a little choppy though, but that's likely because of guitar pro programming.

I personally am a vocalist and my extent of other music is keyboards so I can't be a great part of the instrumental creations, still I thought I'd put in my two cents...
I thought that EmeticGores riff sounded pretty cool, but I had to download the free demo of Guitar Pro 5 to listen to it, is Guitar pro all MIDI files? or did I fuck up something, just wondering if you can get real audio of riffing thats all.

Also, there are some idea's floating around at the moment, so stay tuned.