This was all over national news television today. A fucking crazy, seemingly stupid concept, however given the monetary savings of housing drunks and containing the ones that don't want jobs or any kind of rehab it kinda makes sense...... in theory...... in practice this could turn out really badly, drunks are more prone to committing crimes, and the people that live in this area are not happy, strange experiment for sure, stay tuned!
I think its a great idea, more of it, cimmunities are now behind things like this, instead of trying not to see it happen, same with shooting up places/rooms which we have , does help out...yeah and now methadone at the local chemist , take home packs, so life is changing for the great - your eyes, information will.
Considering how much of a deficit the country is in, I seriously doubt anyone is in any condition to be "experimenting". I don't see our current president giving fireside chats, either, but then again, I didn't vote for the "other side' either. It's time for a change - and a good one, at that.