Death Sentences etc.


However it turns out at the end, people who are sentenced to life in prison should be put to death whether it costs a bit more money in the long run or not...

I wouldn't be able to stand seeing a loved one in prison for their whole life. I would rest easier if they put them down. It's a harsh truth, but I think there comes a time when enough is enough.
The primary goal of prison is not to punish, achieve vengeance, or rehabilitate. It is to incapacitate; to lock people away so they cannot commit any more crimes.

Exactly. And of course it is far more realistic than rehabilitation. But rehabilitation would be ideal because it not only negates the arbitrary standards of the current sentencing process, but it also (theoretically) reconditions people who were previously viewed as lost causes to be productive members of society.

However it turns out at the end, people who are sentenced to life in prison should be put to death whether it costs a bit more money in the long run or not...

I wouldn't be able to stand seeing a loved one in prison for their whole life. I would rest easier if they put them down. It's a harsh truth, but I think there comes a time when enough is enough.

The way that you feel really has no bearing on the issue. If it makes you feel icky inside thinking about somebody in your family being in jail until they die, do you really think that that is an important issue in deciding what is the proper sentence for an individual?
What about the offenders who really can't be rehabilitated such as repeat sex offenders?

I would assume you would just want to lock them away until they die, correct?
Bro, go back and read my first post on this subject, I don't want to keep reiterating all of the points I made over and over again, but yes, those who "can't be rehabilitated" will de facto receive a "life sentence" in that they will never be released if they can't show that they are rehabilitated. And BTW one of the goals of my system is for there to be no repeat offenders. If somebody repeats an offense after they're released, unless it was an extreme circumstance, that is an automatic life sentence.
It means that you're in prison for life. You were talking about when people with life sentences get out of prison. People with life sentences don't get out of prison. Therefore it seems as though you either fucked up logically or you don't know what a life sentence means.
I'd rather they excuted the shithead instead of filling up prisons and costing the government and people more money in the long run.
Ohiogrinder: Shut your stupid fucking mouth. You know damn well that I delete your posts because they're 1) fucking stupid, 2) don't even make sense, and 3) are off topic. You're lucky I don't report your posts but rather just delete them.