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here's my take on this
there shouldn't be any kind of job-title (about a dozen in usa) that makes any one person's life considered to be anymore valuable than any other person's life
the death penalty should either be aplicable to every single death or else totaly non-existant
i still believe this^^^
imagine that you have 2 brothers
one accidently kills a guy in street clothes that turns out to be an off-duty cop, well just because its a cop the "accidental" death will pretty much automaticaly become "murder" and your brother fries
or if a cop is murdered with absolutely no witnesses the police will quickly arrest somebody that they know for a fact is innocent just to get an arrest and then that person will pretty much be "guilty untill proven innocent"

okay now imagine that your other brother is a person in the public eye where there's a lot of people that hate him like eminem or howard stern and he gets pumped full of lead and gets to the morgue with a couple dozen bullets in him, well, if he's just an entertainer and not a cop/military/FBI etc etc then no matter how famous he is there is still the possibility that his killer will get sentanced to 5 yrs and get paroled in 2

what the fuck kind of cold and heartless person could possibly think that's fair???
innocent people getting executed is a really big prob in USA

Is it?
Thats the only reason why i am a bit apprehensive towards the death penalty
Here's my stance. You commit the crime, it's game over. Joe Public or Decorated Cop. It doesn't matter your social, political, cultural, or economic standing. The same rules apply in each case.

As an example.....if you commit a gun crime and murder is involved, you are sentenced to death. If you are a willing get life.....possibly the death penalty as well. If you are caught with an unregistered weapon, a minimum sentence is handed out. Either way, you will pay the piper. I'm not talking about a cop whos kills the punk in the name of public safety. Those people are the tip of the sword. When they save a life, we praise them. If they don't catch their man, we dump on them. Sometimes these poor buggers can't win.

But when I refer to execution, I'm not talking about lethal injection. I'm talking about hanging, the chair, the guillotine, the gas chamber, the garotte.....which ever method that state or country feels works best for them.

Get tough on the criminal.....better policing.....better trained officers.....and harsher penalties for violent crimes. And that costs public money.....and a lot of it. But that's the price we need to pay, because cutbacks and smaller transfer payments from Washington or Ottawa are turning our streets into war zones.

I'm tired of these new-age socialists that spend over 20 years in University being professional students.....telling the world how to run it's affairs. There was a time when our socities were relatively safe. But in this day and age of Liberal sentiments.....and appointed judges, appointed senates, appointed police opposed to "Elected" ones that work in the public interest.....we've developed this "blame the Victim" and "let's protect the rights" of the accused attitude. Unfortunately, justice nowadays is about one thing and one thing only. The Law. And that does not deliver justice. Two different things.

Burning question: if you really want change, how many of you actually get behind a political party that represents your views and then goes out and votes come election day? How many? Because that's what sends the message. But most people are too lazy or uninformed or have no interest.....and then we all know what happens next? BOZO and his clowns end up running the show by default. And all are countries are guilty of that, aren't they?
I heard this statement on the radio this past weekend.

"The reason that crime is greater in North America is because we have smaller police forces than in European countries. In countries like Scotland and Germany.....average police forces in cities like Glasgow and Berlin are 50%.....sometimes 75% greater than in similar North American cities with equal populations. The European parliamentry system believes in a preventative rather than a cure approach, and spends more dollars to help solve these problems"

Can you Europeans weigh in on this? Is this accurate from your perspective? Last night, one of our political leaders made a statement that he 'doesn't want our Canadian cities to take the appearance of some American cities' in terms of the violent crimes that are committed. I beleive the quote was (paraphrased):

"I don't want to see Vancouver resemble south Los Angeles or Toronto to resemble Detroit in terms of their violent nature."

Gun crime is pretty bad over here.....and there are more questions than answers, IMO. I can't just chalk it up as a social-economic by-product. That statement sounds like an easy way out.
The Winnipeg Warrior said:
I heard this statement on the radio this past weekend.

"The reason that crime is greater in North America is because we have smaller police forces than in European countries. In countries like Scotland and Germany.....average police forces in cities like Glasgow and Berlin are 50%.....sometimes 75% greater than in similar North American cities with equal populations. The European parliamentry system believes in a preventative rather than a cure approach, and spends more dollars to help solve these problems"

Can you Europeans weigh in on this? Is this accurate from your perspective? Last night, one of our political leaders made a statement that he 'doesn't want our Canadian cities to take the appearance of some American cities' in terms of the violent crimes that are committed. I beleive the quote was (paraphrased):

"I don't want to see Vancouver resemble south Los Angeles or Toronto to resemble Detroit in terms of their violent nature."

Gun crime is pretty bad over here.....and there are more questions than answers, IMO. I can't just chalk it up as a social-economic by-product. That statement sounds like an easy way out.

That probably has some impact. But to think it is the sole reason, would be folly.

That Michael Moore movie made the claim our media is the problem. The hot topic in Criminal Science is how fighting the little crimes like graffiti, makes a difference on the overall crime rate (see NY city). I personally think the homogeneity of the people, as well as the insistance on tradition, is the reason why European countries are so safe. But even then, you have Canada--a relatively young country of a fair racial mix in Toronto and Vancouver--and they have very little violence. Perhaps it has more to do with our economic model, and total failure to offer a viable social safety net? I dont know what it is, but putting more cops on the street will not stop crime all the sudden.
increasing the number of cops is a bad idea (in the USA) because the newer cops will have to be trained by/be partnered with the older cops (people that have been cops longer) who are already severely crooked (see movie "training day" the black cop was showing how real cops really think/act "power corupts and absolute power corupts absolutely") and the rookie cops will definitely become as crooked as the existing cops (most of them if not all) we need to get rid of (most of) the cops we have now before we can even think of increasing the number of people becoming cops each year
The Winnipeg Warrior said:
What's your take on this. In the United States, it's an automatic death sentence for killing a police in most countires.

There needs to be some excessive penalty for acting against the law, but when the law itself is dysfunctional, acts against the law are not crimes but rebellion.
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