Death penalty

Originally posted by Sadistik

Cool! A fellow legal nerd!!!! Where'd ya go? I'm a second year CJ Administration major at San Diego State Univ. Glad to be studying something interesting and exciting, as there is so much that is controversial and can be viewed so many ways.
I agree. i was for the death penalty until I began researching it. Now I feel that it is one of the worst aspects of the US justice system. I'm all for the concept behind it, but it has yet to be implemented fairly, cost-effectively, and consistently. Remember, communism sounds good on paper too.

Hey Sadistik,
I went to New Mexico State University. I graduated last May. I'm still not sure what I want to do right now. I do know that I do not want to be a lawyer or a police officer. I'd like to go into federal law enforcement or do something in the juvenile part of it...I'm just not sure yet. I think I'm just delaying because I don't want to cut my hair yet. Good luck with the next two years of school for you.
I'm still not sure what I want to do right now. I do know that I do not want to be a lawyer or a police officer. I'd like to go into federal law enforcement or do something in the juvenile part of it...I'm just not sure yet. I think I'm just delaying because I don't want to cut my hair yet.

Hehehe..this quote would go very well in the "Long hair on guys" thread.:p
Yeah it sucks even my professor told me that they would look down on me if I went into a job interview for a criminal justice agency with my hair long. I don't have any problem cutting's just that you should hire me based on my character and qualifications...then tell me "You are hired but you are gonna have to cut your hair". But it doesn't work that have to have this "image" to please people.
Well, unfortunately, it is the way the world works. "You only get one chance to make a first impression" is so true. And especially in the judicial system, I haven't seen not ONE judge, police officer, or laywer with long hair. It's interesting though, because in Ben Franklin's day, it was fashionable AND respectable to have long haired wigs. Go figure. :lol: :lol:
Anarchy would be effective for about an hour, then everyone would realize their freedom to indulge in their darkest desires without fear of punishment, and everyone would start looting each other and commit racist atrocities...civilization is nothing without its leaders, and class structure is a necessary evil.

To all the lefties on this thread: Your flight to Finland is waiting :)
Originally posted by Jannet
Well, unfortunately, it is the way the world works. "You only get one chance to make a first impression" is so true. And especially in the judicial system, I haven't seen not ONE judge, police officer, or laywer with long hair. It's interesting though, because in Ben Franklin's day, it was fashionable AND respectable to have long haired wigs. Go figure. :lol: :lol:

Well I know for sure that any police department has a dress code or look code. Like I'm pretty sure I've never seen a cop with a beard cause I think it is against the rules and the mustache has to be a certain way stuff like that.
Originally posted by Wolff
-Finally I believe people can change; death penalty negates any chance for reformation. Funny how we believe in education, and in death penalty at the same time.

To feed a habit of mine, I would like to quote George Carlin on this matter, “Aren’t we versatile?” :lol:
E) Hit and run a Hit-and-runner to death...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
That is fucking cruel, i think that is one kickass execution method letting the guy out on the street and run him over with a car or smash his car against a train without previous notice, but somehow making shure he lives to do the hit and run thing again until the trick fails and he dies. The pour bastard would live all his life in worry not knowing when his slow execution would take place. Its my second favorite execution method, falling second only 2 infecting a convicted criminal with aids and letting him free but making shure he does not kills himself.
I don't think death penalty is right, after all, it's not humans choise to kill someone. If a killer killed someone, he will be punished for that by God, but not human. Human who kills a person [death penalty] is a killer himself.
Originally posted by Sullen Jester

That is a mistake you cannot take back.

Argh.. this thread's done better than I thought and I've got a lot to say..
Well.. there is no mistake (referring to convictions) you can take back.. can u take back 5 years in prison? Or even a month? No you can't.. it's just that in the case u r referring to, the price is a human life..
I believe in the "an eye for an eye" way of punishment. I want everyone to get what they really deserve. That's the perfect system of justice for me. But I don't think a system like that can be applied, because mistakes are human and lots of them can occur during the "judgement" phase (ok the topic is too "academic" for my english :P hope i don't become too hard for you to follow..), due to the ineffectiveness of our judging system (as far as humans are concerned: lawyers, judges, etc.). There should be some fundamental changes to every aspect of a "justice" system for it to work, but still the human error factor would be there to ruin everything :)
On the other hand, I think that a life imprisonment is far more "punishing" than death itself. I don't know.. it's more difficult than I first thought. I still think a lot of ppl deserve to die, according to the crime they've committed.. child molesters, rapists, careless drivers (I think it's a crime in the broader sense and IMO they deserve to die in most cases.. but then.. who am I to say who deserves to live and who doesn't, right? :)), mass-murderers and such..
That's just my opinion and no more. I really had a lot to say, but I wasn't able to talk about everything, neither say it the way I wanted to. I think I should go home now and study some english.. it's more complicated than I thought :grin:
Originally posted by CarcassKreator
I don't think death penalty is right, after all, it's not humans choise to kill someone. If a killer killed someone, he will be punished for that by God, but not human. Human who kills a person [death penalty] is a killer himself.

I hope you are not kidding because I'm just wasting my time right now :P (well.. actually I really hope you ARE kidding.. but anyway..)
That is very convenient for criminals, don't u think? If god was responsible for judging and making sure everyone gets punished, there would be no police, no courts, no nothing.. and certainly a high rate of criminality :)
Have you ever done something "bad"? Have you ever been punished for it by a human? god? Do you really think that god punishes "bad" persons?
Fuck.. we live in a human society! We should take care of it, instead of sitting there and praying!
Or letting the local priest act like god extention and dictating the moral principles that slowly become the law imposed by the goverment. Religion is the cause of most society problems and the lack of it ( and moral all togheter ) its probably the solution.
No, I'm not kidding.

If a person killed someone, he needs to be put in jail, yes, but, death penalty, it's wrong for other humans to kill the person who murdered someone, he will be punished AFTER HIS OWN death.
And how would u know? Because your parents and school taught u so? I think it's all bullshit.. I don't believe in afterlife anyway.. I live my life the way I want and I don't give a fuck if I'll be suffering or smoking pipe when I die.. I will probably be food for the worms and other "cuties".. as for my "soul".. I really doubt there's such a thing.. and I still don't care if it will be suffering or whatever.. as long as I enjoy TODAY!
So, your opinion is.. that there should be no death penalty because humans are "incapable" of judging, unlike god.. So why should there be any other convictions? Doesn't your god bother for less important "crimes"? I don't get it :)
No man, nobady taught me nothing.

Even if there is no afterlife, I don't think it's right to take humans life away. yes, it is wrong if he killed someone, but it does not mean that other humans have to kill him for what he did.

Doesn't your god bother for less important "crimes"? I don't get it

No, man, we do have to have penalties for people who've done something bad, they must be punished, put in jail, but NOT KILLED. We humans do have to protect ourselfs from bad peopel, crimes, by puting them behind bars.
Originally posted by TheMindzI

Well.. there is no mistake (referring to convictions) you can take back.. can u take back 5 years in prison? Or even a month? No you can't.. it's just that in the case u r referring to, the price is a human life...

That is correct. It is impossible to make up for it.
What will you do? Say sorry? Not enough.
Throw money at them? Good for public relations, to some, but it eventually you'll have people trying to get framed JUST so they can get the money in reparations.

Originally posted by TheMindzI
I believe in the "an eye for an eye" way of punishment. I want everyone to get what they really deserve. That's the perfect system of justice for me.

Why punish someone, when educating them can be more effective?

They can make reparations, and can further the safety of thier society from that crime and those similar, because they know. A lot of misunderstanding can cause problems, and proper education in a lot of matters will improve society.

Originally posted by Demospell

Anarchy would be effective for about an hour, then everyone would realize their freedom to indulge in their darkest desires without fear of punishment, and everyone would start looting each other...civilization is nothing without its leaders, and class structure is a necessary evil.

That is true, and that's what I've been saying.

In our current state, it would be impossible for this system to work without what you've said above. What we need is education. If we can teach people that they should be working in MANKINDS favour, not MAN, then we'll be working in the right direction.
Originally posted by CarcassKreator
No man, nobady taught me nothing.

Even if there is no afterlife, I don't think it's right to take humans life away. yes, it is wrong if he killed someone, but it does not mean that other humans have to kill him for what he did.

No, man, we do have to have penalties for people who've done something bad, they must be punished, put in jail, but NOT KILLED. We humans do have to protect ourselfs from bad peopel, crimes, by puting them behind bars.

Ok now that u've excluded that "god" word, things are way better :) I don't really agree on that. Why not protecting ourselves and others from INHUMAN people by disposing of them? I'm talking about certain cases here, where the guilty guy was fully aware of what was going on and still did something terrible.. Anyway it's your opinion, I respect it and I won't go any further.
Originally posted by Sullen Jester
Why punish someone, when educating them can be more effective?

They can make reparations, and can further the safety of thier society from that crime and those similar, because they know. A lot of misunderstanding can cause problems, and proper education in a lot of matters will improve society.

Well, generally I agree with you. If this could happen, but I don't think it can. Until which age do u think one can be educated? You can't teach (just an example here) a 30 year-old rapist that raping 16-y-o girls is bad, can you? Even if u think that u've done it, can u ensure that he won't do it again? And what about the girls? Have u any idea how can it affect them?
I'm out :)