One for Lina

i'll be on jenny jones pretty soon whining about how my life began spiralling down into the depths of prostitution and drug abuse all because Luke quoted me out of context! :waah: :)
Originally posted by Tribal

I obviously believe the backward and unenlightened. One day soon your sense of feeble unproven logic will be laid to waste with horrific power. Mark my words and call me crazy, but the day will come that will bite them in the ass.

wery wery intewesting...
I don't know where this is coming from, or where it will go to... But here goes...

Since the people in the WTC was killed, lets enforce the death penalty on the perpetrators (sp?).

God himself is a massmurderer. He is a bad man.

Just as an example: After God has sufficiently hardened the Pharaoh's heart, he kills all the firstborn Egyptian children. When he was finished "there was not a house where there was not one dead." Finally, he runs out of little babies to kill, so he slaughters the firstborn cattle, too.

Shall we send God to death?
Oh wait He's our great creator. We should discard his heinous actions because he made us.

Originally posted by SaintJoshy
How much does it cost to put a bullet in someones head? hehe, I mean why should it cost more? Do they have to have the death penalty by electricusion? Just a suggestion.

Actually it costs 30c to kill sum1 using electricity. I believe it shoud cost more bacause of trails, as I believe we should be relatively sure of their guilt (as much as you can with trials) before you send them to death. What you are suggesting is similar to saudi arabie where people are killed without a trial
Originally posted by Sullen Jester
Shall we send God to death?
Oh wait He's our great creator. We should discard his heinous actions because he made us.


yep. God is not subject to the same ethical standards as us lowly humans, therefore it can be as nasty as it wants and yet it is still ultimately righteous.

It's interesting how much god's personality mimics that of a crazed and evil dictator. How sad. People are truly idiots and will probably remain that way for many years to come.

Originally posted by Lina
I see I've brought you over to the dark side, Satori. muahahhahaahaha!

Yes, dear Lina, with your help and the help of many intellectual children on this board, I have come to realize that people are a lot dumber than I originally gave them credit for (which is quite a shame). It would appear as if I have been sheltered from idiocy until now. Oh well, live and learn I suppose.

Originally posted by Satori

Yes, dear Lina, with your help and the help of many intellectual children on this board, I have come to realize that people are a lot dumber than I originally gave them credit for (which is quite a shame). It would appear as if I have been sheltered from idiocy until now. Oh well, live and learn I suppose.

OH my God, the shits getting deep around here.
Originally posted by Satori
Yes, dear Lina, with your help and the help of many intellectual children on this board, I have come to realize that people are a lot dumber than I originally gave them credit for (which is quite a shame). It would appear as if I have been sheltered from idiocy until now. Oh well, live and learn I suppose

Shame, another persons lost their innoscence ;) But surely all u have to do is turn on the news to realise how dumn we are?
It's interesting how much god's personality mimics that of a crazed and evil dictator. How sad. People are truly idiots and will probably remain that way for many years to come.


So.. Does this mean we should worship crazed and evil dictators? I mean, we worship God despite all the bible say's he's done to us and never thought to question why, yet we put the crazed and evil dictators to death.
That's a bit "unfair", eh?

So.. Does this mean we should worship crazed and evil dictators? I mean, we worship God despite all the bible say's he's done to us and never thought to question why, yet we put the crazed and evil dictators to death.
That's a bit "unfair", eh?


I really hope you are being sarcastic. My fear though is you are not.

The obvious point SHOULD be, why worship any of them...
Because we are lonely and bored, and are open to suggestion; that suggestion being look into the light of the lord (or whatever other religion) and we will feel wholesome, which we won't because its a sham, and if true God doesn't give a flying fuck about us and our well being.
