Any info about the next album Mikael?

I say they should do away with keyboard in the heavier songs. It makes them too technological and detracts from the imagery. They're good in the mellow songs though. Maybe if they just hired Per as a dancer, seems to be what he does in songs with no keyboard.
Quit rushing the poor man, This is whats killing Opeth, good Opeth albums take time! Anyone can throw some crap music together in 6 months, let the man write and concentrate on the magic music. I don't want to hear the same Opeth album Over and Over, so let the man regenerate some thoughts and riffs. Writing of the new album doesn't begins until 2007, which means we wont see a Opeth album until the end of 2007, or most likely 2008.
~random~ said:
I say they should do away with keyboard in the heavier songs. It makes them too technological and detracts from the imagery. They're good in the mellow songs though. Maybe if they just hired Per as a dancer, seems to be what he does in songs with no keyboard.
I totally disagree... I absolutely love the keyboard in the heavy songs!

And yeah... Therion is way lame:rolleyes:
NineFeetUnderground said:
bring back the e-bows?! isolation years was absolutely DRENCHED in e-bow. :erk:
What is an e-bow? My guess is a wind instrument, like a flue. Am I right? Or is it a type of bass guitar? Thanks.
an e-bow is a little hand held thingy that vibrates the string infinately, being able to get 'bow' effects you can get lots of sounds that resemble like horns and flutes, they dont sound quite like them but its a natural sound so it sounds good, basically it is a little thing with controled feedback that you would get from your amp just from a little bit of plasic. and the newer ones have a harmonic mode wich just kinda does the harmonics of that note and thats how you get that more squealy sound of the bleak ebow bit :)