Mikael We need to know something about the new album

they could have made lots of those arrangements already!

I desperately need a release at the very latest in the beginning of May! I'm spending 10 fucking weeks far away from any place that sells metal cd's from mid May till the end of July and I would really like to have the new album accompanying me those weeks ... so for me, this is really bad news!

BUT: I have actually read somewhere in a magazine that it's supposed to be out somewhere in March, so ... perhaps Revolver magazine has its sources wrong, let's hope! would really be foolish to delay it so many months after it is finished, this isn't a normal thing right? delaying a dvd is one thing, but a new album?? I'm sure Roadrunner can't wait to cash in on that, and they have such an organization and so many connections that they don't need months to organise all these things, definitely not for a big band like Opeth because lots of magazines would jump for an interview.
actually makes plenty of sense. Roadrunner has to set up promo-packs for the 'zines arrange interviews for magazines and webzines, book a coinciding World Tour. And it all needs to fall around the release date. Artwork + album + press + promotion = a long wait after recording is done.
I know that records don't come out very soon after the album's done but June is quite far away. For example Children of Bodom and In Flames just recently completed their upcoming albums and both those albums will come out in April and they will get plenty of publicity and labels will promote them a lot. So Roadrunner is pretty slow if they think they can't promote it enough for spring release. During Dream Theater tour Opeth will get quite a lot of publicity and to coincide album's release and the tour would get best sales, I think. Well, there are older records people can purchase but in the eyes of the public those albums aren't that hot anymore. Or maybe Roadrunner is afraid of competition and they think summer is silent enough to release it. Or maybe it's because of festivals, I don't know for sure. And they should be booking those interviews already, If the album's done then what to wait for?
Mikael, I was thinking in the new album and I can´t fucking wait to listen it. I like to know something interesting about it, as some track title, your favorite track, something new, I don`t know, anything you want to talk about the new record.
I would like to know about the "nick drake thing" that you said before.
Anyway I did this thread as a way to get information about and If you read this I ask for what you`d like to talk about


lol what are you 13 or somethin
I think he is pointing out your fanboy-ism, not that you sound like a kid.. The album will be here before you know it, have a little bit of patience. Information will be released when the band/label is ready to. Your worthless posts aren't going to help.
Maybe but i just have curiosity about things, and i think is more productive to talk how this album will be, instead to cry and complain because lopez and peter left the band, that the dvd was delay, that the new album will be on may and shit like that and if mikael dont want to talk about i dont mind he have his reasons and i have respect for
To keep your prog senses in tact go get the new album from Black Mountain, that should keep things feeling good untill we get some more news on the Opeth album.
i think it should be released sooner because true, there are gigs and what not, but not everyone will get to go, like me, and some people might start to forget...maybe not but it could happen.
Maybe but i just have curiosity about things, and i think is more productive to talk how this album will be, instead to cry and complain because lopez and peter left the band, that the dvd was delay, that the new album will be on may and shit like that and if mikael dont want to talk about i dont mind he have his reasons and i have respect for


Maybe but i just have curiosity about things, and i think is more productive to talk how this album will be, instead to cry and complain because lopez and peter left the band, that the dvd was delay, that the new album will be on may and shit like that and if mikael dont want to talk about i dont mind he have his reasons and i have respect for

I sense a creative collaboration b/w this poster and myself...as in he writes some black metal rebels lyrics...and I sing and make music...are u up to the task young grass hopper...!!!!....PEAC EOUT