Mikael and Queen

Apr 23, 2006
hey guys i saw this in a magazine, classic rock i think it was. it was a tribute to queen, and our very own mikael was talking about one of there songs. he said something like " I was one of those people who got into queen very late, and i think this song is very dark..etc..etc...i think i can represent the whole extreme metal genre by saying how good this song is"
the song he was talking about was innuendo from the 1991 album of the same name. i actually hadnt heard this song and i just downloaded it then and it is really good!
btw mikael pops up in classic rock alot!
hope ya all doin well!
Innuendo is far from a hidden track. But it isnt necessarily one of the more instantly thought of songs by queen when you ask the average person or casual fan what their favorite is. But it is darker than a lot of queen material, so i would recommend it to anyone interested in legendary forward thinking classic rock with an edge.
Plus the flamenco break is played by Steve Howe !

One of Queen's best songs.

The band was so ahead of its time ( pro tools engineers can't even touch the multi track magic that Queen did on their analog recordings)

Queen is one of the few bands that would make me believe in a higher power because of Freddie : the man was brought to Earth to sing !
It´s nice to hear Mike likes Queen.

I love them since I´m 6 years old and because of them I got into music and later into metal.

For me Brian May is the nonplusultra of all guitar players!
His sound, his songs and he as person = incredible!!!

...and Innuendo is nothing but a damn masterpiece!