2.1) Destroy the "one-of-a-kind" vision of how Nergal intended this album to be (as he said in his studio diary)

I dont think theres much likelihood of that, Negal seemed chuffed to bits about the production in the interview over on Metalsucks:

Nergal said:
But I definitely would love to have Colin mix the next album. Maybe even more than just mixing, but we’ll see. I’m so happy with Evangelion that I definitely want to work with Colin again. He was awesome. He was very anal. He loves to pay so much attention to every single detail. You’re waiting hours and hours – Colin’s still not ready. I tell him “Man! We’ve got to speed up. We have only one day to mix that song!” And he’s not even halfway done. We used twice as much time as usual. [laughs]
I don't necessarily think it's bad, It is (imo) quite the opposite :/. My main problem was;
1) Colin re-amped the Hertz guys guitars and hard work, which in his defense probably didn't work with his mix, but it's still another (good) engineers job.

2) The mixes he's done are great, but unfortunately have been done again and again on some dated/seasoned metal bands which will be forgotten in the next 10 years and might;
2.1) Destroy the "one-of-a-kind" vision of how Nergal intended this album to be (as he said in his studio diary)
2.2) Turn Behemoth into this "sell-out" band because as great as the production is, it just doesn't suit behemoth. I've been hearing/reading people calling behemoth "mall-core" already. :hypno:

I've 'borrowed' the album from a friend to see what the fuss was about...And I'll be honest, I have no intention of buying it (or continuing to listen to it).
It's just disappointing having something so highly anticipated to turn out (imo) in the way that it has.

Maybe I'm seeing it through rose colored glasses because I own no other Behemoth CD's (that will likely change soon), but the production to me is the some of the best I've heard this year (possibly THE best)...Now I really need to check out their older material.

And noobs will call any heavy music mallcore these days...they know no different.
Typically am not a black/death metal fan, however I do listen to bands such as dimmu borgir, behemoth and naglfar. The new behemoth has great production compared to what else is out there in the genre, they don;t care about following the underground black circle of juvenile lyrics and content and actaully feel that the music and lyrical content are apart of a larger story. When you really listen to a behemoth song and really dive into the lyrics, you will find that they are more a story created and interpreted by nergal from the bible transposed to fit the standard of society today, attacking everything that is wrong with it.

the ones who call it juvenile are simply the ones who are offended by the fact that nergal tore apart your religious beliefs simply because you probably are aware that he is right

Bottom line with behemoth there is no satanism, "black circle" church bruning, murder and horrible attitudes of your typical death/black metal bands and fanboys, they are a bunch of regular dudes who like the type of music that they do, they play it and don't care about fitting the cliched ignorant lifestyle of the typical scene. They do their own thing and for that they are called sellouts or what have you. But still their music is a lot more enjoyable and contain a lot more meaning than most music I have ever heard.

And I really don't hear how the guitar tone is nasally or sounds like the whole master is high passed at 200, the tone is pretty damned thick and the guitar tone has a grind and mid heaviness without being harsh its still aggressive and you can clearly hear all the notes, its really impressive, I thought I was impressed by the new trivium tone but reviewing back, it sounds way to soft and muffled almost (hold the 5150 tone to it) but the new behemoth tone had that bite and more so more mids.
Öwen;8503970 said:
I dont think theres much likelihood of that, Negal seemed chuffed to bits about the production in the interview over on Metalsucks:

Granted, that might be true now :).

But my point is DemiGod is still a favorite amongst a lot of people and probably will be for quite a while, for others Apostasy is that album (I love both).

I guess you'd have to give it a while and see where this one goes, there's a chance I'm probably wrong too. *shrugs*
First of all, HOW CAN ANYONE SAY THE PRODUCTION ON THIS ALBUM IS BAD?...I've grown to really like this band on this album (the only Behemoth CD I own)

There's your answer right there Nate ;) Even when you get the other albums, you probably still won't mind the production on Evangelion as much as a lot of us do (cuz it was your first introduction to this amazing band, and is still a strong one), but I highly doubt you won't notice the difference in production!
Also, where one person can say it's cheesy or whatever, I think you could make the case of it actually being well thought out under the surface and above the cliches. But, again, it's all subjective. I think the idea of a music video itself flies in the face of conventional metal "wisdom", but I think this video is actually pretty killer...So, my overanalytical analysis...I think the band shots are almost a necessity in the metal world, but even then I think you can justify the concept of playing in a barren desert.

But, the "plot" to me was the idea of some girl's future to bear the child through some kind of "immaculate conception", only to serve evil instead of good (possibly prophesied through the drawing of the cards?). The landscape surrounding the girl prior to her suicide (and subsequent "rebirth" through her pregnancy and new role as mother to this being with a higher purpose), is barren, much like her hope (I'm supposing here). In an effort to end the pain through a means that is considered ultimate sin by Judeo-CHristian standards, she comes to bear the child of a demon or Satan or whatever - a perfect metaphor or allegory, IMO. Now, cut to the den of this demon and on display you see the decline of man, and displays of some of the 7 sins (that of gluttony seems to be the one bothering people the most)...In this, they have captured purity and devour it, all in an effort to void the purity from the world to make way for evil, which I'm lead to believe will be in the name of this new born child. Now, getting back to the band, if you think of their performance as telling the story, their landscape could be all that's left after evil grabs hold, so the barren desert motif doesn't seem out of place - to me at least...It could easily symbolize "the void" mentioned in the title. Also, the blood spilling from the mother as she walks among the "doomed" or damned I suppose is a perfect parallel to biblical references where blood was used to spare young sons from murder, this blood - spilled on them, from the birth of THE son - is a form of guarantee of what is to come and their doomed existence, diametrically opposed to what biblical references of such actions point to.

and that is a great interpretation. A good movie or music video just doesn't hand you everything on a silver platter, it leaves some up to your imaginations for your own interpretation of the lyrics and the story being told. Nergal has always said that unlike most metal their songs have a greater meaning and its a part of the art form, and not just about the music.

To those saying that the video has no depth, just because you are cannot grasp the intellectual literacy of any artistic work, does not mean that work does not contain any depth, its usually a sign that the meaning is deeper than you think and guess what a lot of the story is left up to your interpretation. If you study some social science, history (especially of the middle east, like Babylon and Mesopotamia) and transpose that to modern times and the current status of humanity OMFG Behemoth lyrics, and music videos actually make sense. Yes they have there theatrics but could you really hear this kind of music being played by a bunch of guys in street clothes playing in a field during a bright sunny day? please!

And to the guys that will retort back with, metal isn't supposed to have any deeper meaning, grow up, Metal like all music is an art form, designed to invoke a story and emotions, not just be some background noise for you to bang your head to because it sounds so evil and your some pissed off teenager wanting to rebel or some 30+ year old "homophobe" that truly believes that you will be gay if you have any class or culture and that metal having sophistication to is is not very "manly". Stop with the narrow mindedness as to what you want metal to be, its so broad and if you don't like it then don't listen to it.

Fuck I think most death metal and black metal are lame since all they convey is rape torture mutilation satanism murder etc etc and I think that anyone with any sort of class is not interested in that type of genre, its not cute, its not amusing so i don't listen to it. Maybe some people should try that, but i think that there are too many HCAF people here now any words of wisdom provided will be simply ignored.
That's a rather lame joke band. Why do you need that when you have serious true BM like this?

I actually really, really like this band and their music. The video is absolute hilarity but I believe they were pretty serious. And I can't stand Behemoth, well, nothing they've done in the last 15 years. Yeah "trve kvlt" BM fan here. Say what ya want, there's no accounting for taste ;)

P.S. damn embed, never seem to figure it out :P
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