OOP/Limited Release Albums that you've dropped a dinard on.

No Defiance for you? Or you already have it? I can also throw in Doomstone's "Without Prayer" and DarkBlack's "The Barbarian Hammer" :kickass:

(obviously I'm trying to handpick stuff that I think you might like :tickled: )

EDIT: The Defiance is out of print. I should remember this when trading it.
Never heard Defiance. lol

Dont be prejudice bro...i enjoy everything. just stay away from the black.death end of the spectrum. What you have for Prog, Trad, or Doom? Even non-metal?!

I know you have tons of shit man. :)
hahaha....gotta love GEMM.

I dont even bother with GEMM or Musicstack anymore tbh. Either its ASTRONOMICALLY high in price, or its low and not even in stock. ...or the sellers are scam artists.

Yea, purchasing an album on GEMM is much like sending a carrier pigeon off on a mission to Sirius. Sellers with 1 star ratings offering rare items at $80 a pop. :rolleyes: The fact that alot of them reside in 3rd world countries makes me even that more wary. I've since turned towards using EBAY. And though it has failed me in the past, the pros are too good to dismiss.

BTW - Couldn't find any Sol Invictus at Amoeba. I did see the album in Ken's avatar, came darn to close to buying it blindly, but passed it up in the end for other goodies.
God damnit, I just lost an auction to "Rain Without End". I went as high as $84 too. :erk:

Ali, what is the best mode of attack? I started placing bids with 1min and 9 secs left. Too soon I suppose?!?!
Ali, what is the best mode of attack? I started placing bids with 1min and 9 secs left. Too soon I suppose?!?!

Jerry, it sounds as if you got trigger happy. Let me guess: your palms were sweating, your eye began to twitch, and you went in for the kill. You then obsessively hit the refresh button while the clock ticked down to zero...

On the flipside, if you bid too late and your bid isn't high enough, you don't have any time to follow through with a higher offer. (That is of course if you're willing to go above your tentative highest bid.)

I find that 40 seconds is a good time to throw in your bid. When the other bidders realize they've been jaykeeleyed, you'll find yourself smirking in glee. It's actually quite rewarding.
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I usually try to bid within the 15-10 second range. I find that that gives me just enough time to respond with a higher bid if necessary.
people that bid more than once make me laugh. why not just bid your highest price and watch the carnage?
people that bid more than once make me laugh. why not just bid your highest price and watch the carnage?

Because what you're willing to bid before you're faced with a screen showing a red x and a number higher than what you thought would be your highest possible limit with 5 seconds left in the auction and after said incident are completely fucking different?