oops i did it again

Hatebreeder86" said:
Alexi: "Hey guys, I will really go now.."
Janne: "before u leave, look what I brought for you"
A: "goddammit, looking good, isn't this a....?"
J: "yeah yeah, sixpack yes."
A: "ohh, this wasn't necessary my friend.. and besides, we are having some hooch here.."
J: "I know, but this is for tomorrow morning!"

here ya go
i deleted it, after people posted the song in it. Up until then i was just combining them. Blame the assbag that posted the song.
Just one stupid question...what's the original text in finnish for what they talk there?

Bobvex: Couldn't you have deleted only the post with the song?
I don't want to start the squazillionth thread about this song... Just found this today:


Sounds like COB summoned Ctulhu during the AYDY recording session :D

(More Cthulhu comics: http://www.macguff.fr/goomi/unspeakable/archives.html)