oops, what have i done wrong with these vocals?

martyfireball said:
Got a Focusrite Voicemaster pro and was messing around. Recorded vocals but they really don't sound right to me. I'm a newbie so I'm not sure what's up. Too much room? Too much compression?
It's a cheap Chinese large diaphram condenser about 6" behind a pop shield into the voicemaster which has compression on it.



Too much room. Maybe not enough gain, but I think that has more to do with the overall velocity of the vocalist. Not pushing very much noise from the mouth if you ask me. Maybe come up to the MIC a tad more. Sounds like it's a mile away. The MIC itself sounds pretty terrible too, that could be most of the problem. No offence though. Wish I could be more helpful but recording vocals is not my strong point. Maybe someone will post and help us both! :D
Uhm, i think i'm hearing feedback tendencies.
Other than that, yeah the mic is too far away from the vocalist.
Also try putting the mic so that he isn't screaming directly at it, a bit on the side but still facing his mouth, gets rid of some of that "wind" problem, he's breathing right at it. Beware tho, make sure you're not getting any weird sounds when doing this.
If he's using a popscreen don't bother going off axis.
I can't believe the level of early reflections for being only 6" away. Bathroom? You should try to treat your room some.....even tacking blankets to the wall would improve things some. Move the vocalist closer for sure.