Open DT-Encyclopedia Project


Dark Tranquillity Italia
Jan 3, 2005
Mestre (Venice)
hi all..

well, as some of u seemed to be interested in this new project, we might discuss it seriously here :)

my idea was creating a huge webpage (php/mysql) with letters from A to Z and under each letter we can write notions also taken from the 1000 dt-facts thread.. i'd go only for serious stuff.. this means nothing like "niklas seems more sober than the others" or things like that.. it's a serious project :)

well, on this page anyone could add his/her notions so to make it richer, just like wikipedia... of course, prior publishing, all notions should be verified.. this is why a staff of moderators is needed for this project :)

who's willing to help me doing this or even help me with the coding/webpage layout part?
why not use wikipedia? isn't there a way to have your own small wiki-world about any topic you want?

in any case, you can count me in to verify the information submitted. i'm useless with anything technical, though.
rahvin said:
why not use wikipedia? isn't there a way to have your own small wiki-world about any topic you want?

well actually u cannot do that.. of course u can add stuff on the wikipedia's DT page.. but still my idea is a bit different.. coz in wikipedia, even if we made a topic for each DT subject (and I don't think wikipedia would be interested in that) all topics would be separated.. and I don't think u can add large amounts of trivia info on the page existing in wikipedia.. what is in my mind is having ONLY ONE HUGE PAGE with all info sorted by alphabetical order..

anyway, if aynone knows a way of doing this through wikipedia, or has any other suggestions, please post them here :)

and thanks to the guys who are already interested in this thing :)
rahvin u can be the moderator's boss.. as u should know more or less everything about DT! ;)
Well, making a home-page is not so very hard. If your not interested in coding you could always use dream-weaver or something like that and there is always free domains, like Angelfire and telia etc.... You should not have to use wikepedia. This is a very good idea. I think The Tranquillian Bible should be under B, if 6-string and the other authers want that...
yep, making a webpage is not hard.. though making an automatic system that lets people write their own contents and then submit them (with an admin area from which moderators can publish or discard posts) is a bit more complicated, still not impossible..

and for the webhosting there's no problem: I can host it on my webserver :)
Nt3N: But you could always start with an e-mail-adress that we could mail to with facts. It gives you more work, but it could be a start. You could have a once a week u-date with forum-members facts or something...... And when you feel like you have the time you could fix the "wikepidiatic"-stuff...
Great... looks like we're getting somewhere. I wonder what DT thinks? They must think we're crazy. Hahahah.... It's so much fun if everybody could help with fact and prictures. So you could always send the fact or picture with the heading and letter... Like maybe


Dt likes to drink beer.... Or something like that. Bad example, but anymay or when you send a picture maybe right...


Henriksson, Martin

Tritonus said:
Great... looks like we're getting somewhere. I wonder what DT thinks? They must think we're crazy. Hahahah.... It's so much fun if everybody could help with fact and prictures. So you could always send the fact or picture with the heading and letter... Like maybe


Dt likes to drink beer.... Or something like that. Bad example, but anymay or when you send a picture maybe right...


Henriksson, Martin


yep, that's a good idea too :) i was thinking about something just like the example u posted!

ok.. so setting up a html page shouldn't be hard, i'll start planning the layout tomorrow ;)
Nt3N said:
it turned out very bad :D a total flop! :kickass:
anyway, it was just an experiment :lol:

i'm sorry to hear that :) At least you tried :kickass:

DTpedia sounds nice, but i'm afraid that when DT will hear of the DTpedia and the Tranquillian Bible they will be ashamed of the monster they have created (thats us :) ) and will seriously consider shutting this place down, selling all of their instruments and retreating to an unknown location deep in some ice desert or something totally renouncing their previous lives :)
Cuthalion said:
i'm sorry to hear that :) At least you tried :kickass:

DTpedia sounds nice, but i'm afraid that when DT will hear of the DTpedia and the Tranquillian Bible they will be ashamed of the monster they have created (thats us :) ) and will seriously consider shutting this place down, selling all of their instruments and retreating to an unknown location deep in some ice desert or something totally renouncing their previous lives :)

:lol: ahahahaha :D

well let's hope they don't do that :D i don't wanna lose my favourite band :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
DT-pedia sounds a litle bit geeky, I must say.... Tanquillica is cooler....

And I hope DT-doesn't shut the place down. They wouldn't do that. I think they would be glad, and maybe they could contribute with some nice facts or is this just my imagination?
but why "tranquillica"? :D i think it's cooler too but I don't understand it's meaning.. ok it sounds like "tranquillity", but is it some kind of englishisation of some latin/greek word or what?

anyway, what about "enciclopaedia tranquillitatis" (latin for "tranquillity encyclopedia"..duh-huh)? :D