yeah, that's cool!
as for pictures of DT stuff I can take pictures of those I have.. and for general pictures, I don't think we should put ALL pics.. just some, to have examples.. as I said this should not turn into a photogallery about DT coz there's already plenty online
so, plintus, will u be the coding-guy in this project? I can help u of course.. my idea was to have an index with letters from A-Z and every letter has "nouns" under it, just like in a dictionary.. then every noun has a "definition" about it with pics and links to other useful info (just like wikipedia).. the cool thing to do would be making tree-view like layout.. this means that all notions should be collapsed and when one clicks on one notion, the definition comes out and then it can be collpsed again.. this is to avoid having mouse-wheel-killer pages..
as for updating.. i'd say we could make it as the Jargon File
this means we do like software versions.. the first version will be something like Tranquillica v1.0.0 and then, every update, just adds a number so to have v 1.0.1 and for important changes we put v 1.1.0 and so on...
for hosting this whole project, darkillity's webserver puts his hand up.. i'd be really proud to host such a thing.. so, I hope u agree
the address can be somthing like but we can also make a shorter url, if needed..