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deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
if you had no choice in the matter, which would you choose?
1. walking in on your parents having sex????
2. your parents walking on you having sex????
tough, huh?

gyros are the key to beating megaman. but with sourcream instead of cucumber. the secret is out hehehehe
lil, i should try that hehehe. nice shoes, wanna fuck? lolnote of the
or.....i could walk up to a chick, and scream the high note of the chorus of battle angels. that gets chicks. anywho, maiden/dio coming to cleveland this year, my feet hurt, and i need more batteries
well id say the person who walked in would be more embarased than the people who got walked in on...unless they were doin some real sick shit...either way i think id rather get walked in on. that way i wouldnt have nightmares.
As one of my parents is dead, I'd much prefer option two. Option one would be way too creepy.

You try whatever you want deathstrike. Something might work, sometime.
oooh yeah thats hot fo' sho'

anyone else watch CAPTAIN N: THE GAME MASTER?!

uh huh..

you'd better know what I'm talkin' 'bout
(maybe not the youngins here though)