Open tunings 5150s and fredman!

Very cool track. Needs to be opened up. Sounds like there's a blanket over the track. Try adding some highs to the entire mix to give it some air. Then maybe take a little of the mud out of to also help clear it up. I dig this shit though. Nothing like face melting metal at 2 in the morning. :p
The rhythm guitars sound a bit too loud and are dominating the mix. I also agree that your guitars sound a bit too low-passed. How is your panning? You may want to pan the guitars and cymbals out further to give it a wider sound and feel. And if your rhythm playing is tight enough, quad track it. Do something like 100/100 and 85/85 panning for the different takes. Otherwise, cool tune so far man.
Tough to say. Fredman technique is not a 'perfect' tone, so it's tough to say when it's done right or not, but in my opinion, I would say this is incorrect usage of Fredman. It sounds like the wrong frequency ranges are being cut/accented. I haven't done much scientific tweaking with Fredman style, but my 5150 Fredman tones typically come out much more bodied and sludgy sounding but without losing the cut. Try a trick where you reverse the phase on one of the mics and listen to the combination in DAW until you hear the frequencies that you want to cancel the most, then leave the mics there, undo the phase flip, and record.

EDIT: Something I just thought of. If the A and B tracks are not exactly in time alignment, the tone will get weird and lose punch. Fredman style is very picky like that, it doesn't take more than a ms or two to completely ruin the effect.
Yeah, I gave up on fredman for the time being. The second clip is just single 57... I just am not digging this guitar I've been tracking with. It's got this odd hump around 2k. ehhh
what is the fredman technique? tone sounds good though i really like!, 5150s are definately a personal preference of mine for tracking that kind of stuff!

