Probably my best mix yet! (like Acrh Enemy & Nevermore)

Thanks guys! Kick is the devil driver kick pitched shifted down a tiny bit, with a high shelf around 6k +3db. Snare is devil driver snare, with a slate snare, and the natural snare. Overheads are oktava mc012 from, but i also used the sm7 on high hihats, and an AT2050 for the ride. Cymbal tracks are eq'd beyond hell. The crash cymbals he brought in were formerly Zildjian ZBT hihats... yeah :Puke:

I should be able to fix that little kick part fairly easily. Is it just that one time he does it, or is it that pattern in general that you hate? The drummer was recorded without a click track, then afterward I slip edited everything to the approximate tempo of each part, using a tap tempo to find the speed. I charge a fixed amount per song for these guys, so it goes much faster this way, rather than fighting with the drummer the whole time about playing with the click, and then having to slip edit everything anyways!

5150 with a recto cab, double tracked, I should have been more clear. I traded my 6505+ for a 5150mk1 a while back and got $100 out of it to, since my amp was in better shape aesthetics wise. Bought some winged C's with that money, and I'm soo much happier with the tone!

I already sent this version to the band, but this isn't the official release or anything, so I'll have plenty of time now to make some adjustments. This is the first time I worked with this band, so I didn't want to be too much of a dictator, but I'll probably get them to redo a few parts when they come back to do some more songs now that we've established some trust.
I feel like a complete and utter dolt right now for asking this... but is there anyway you could post the gog for that sample if you have it, I searched for it but I can't find it, and it sounds beast as fuck.
Just listened to the 2nd mix in my car and there are two things that I noticed:
1. The vocals could be featured a bit more for my taste. You said +3 dB on the vocals, but maybe you just slammed the mix buss compressor (if any) a bit more? They do not sound that much louder to me. A grunting female singer should be placed a bit more prominently in the mix. But that's just my taste, coz I like to have vocals riding a fair bit above the mix (at least if the singer is good...).
2. The overall low-end seems a bit too much/loose when compared to other productions. I did not hear that on my headphones, where I checked out the 1st mix, because my cans are too forgiving in the low-end.
Still kudos for this great mix!
Wow, I'm totally not hearing what everyone else is. I can't say I like this much, I don't particularly like the character of any of the tones (maybe that's taste.. it all just seems very plastic, and the bass' lowend is really loose), and they all seem to be very conflicting and separated (especially at 1:31).

However, for a female those are some damn good vocals.
I've got what I think is a better mix, just haven't uploaded it yet. I put Andy's C4 settings on the bass track (and adjusted the parameters to taste) to help control the low end, along with a few other things that help the mix gel together better. I'll upload it pretty soon.

Thanks for all the positive feedback! And thanks for all the constructive criticism!