Opeth Album Storylines

Here's something that I never considered before...I mean, if you want to get into super depth of the storyline of Still Life and all. A girl was talking about the album the other day to me and she suggested a few things that make me wonder. Did anyone else get the impression that Melinda might have taken vows of nun-hood rather than vows of marriage?

A harlot of god....? OK, so if you're sitting there going 'DUH! YES! ISN'T IT OBVIOUS?' Well, don't. It should be obvious that it wasn't to me.

Oyo...nice one. :lol:
huh, that melinda-nun thing makes sense now that i think about it. but i'm not clear on something in still life. is serenity painted death about the guy killing melinda? it sure sounds like it, i'm almost completely convinced that's what happens now that i read the lyrics.
*smacks self in forehead* damnit, i'm a dumbass. thanks for clearing that up. i thought that the guy kills melinda because he found out she had married someone else. but then i realized the nun thing, and i see i was wrong. i thought the guy killing melinda seemed kind of a weird way for a love story to play out.
That makes sense, yes. It might be why the church guys were so ready to kill her once they had sex, and why he was so pissed at them in the first place.

I hope the next albums (one or both, I'll take anything) have a story of some kind. I really like the MAYH and SL ones. They're kind of vague and sad, but not really depressing or anything, and in a weird way they're believable.

Originally posted by Oyo

Good find Opet, that makes so much more sense. I was always wondering "Why the hell is she a harlot of god "
It also explains the cross on the cover of Still Life somewhat as well.
Originally posted by Useful Idiot

It also explains the cross on the cover of Still Life somewhat as well.

well 'the council of the cross' are after him after he came back, which would explain the cross too, but what about the blood on her hands? was it that time of the month...:rolleyes: