Boardwide idea.... Anyone intrested in a story RPG

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Worlds shortest Feminist
Hey everyone

I was wondering if anyone here liked Role-playing, (creative writing style) Because UC and myself were thinking of designing a Role-playing Community with 2 Different storylines,

Revolution war plot <------ This one is now Finished


Vampire/dark world Storyline, <----- To be Finished soon

These words will be completely different from each other but we were wondering&#8230; Who would be interested in participating/ trying it out?

Roleplaying real fun, you get to create characters and play them in the storylines&#8230;. Whither you are a bad guy or a good guy.
Cool, I'd never expect to see something like this in ths phorum hehe.

So it'd be like we writing the story paragraph by paragraph?


Count me in, I want a vampire story line!
nono, we will create a forum for it... , you make a character... Make a post, could be something form liek 200 words to 1000 depending, There will be lots of mini SLs in the main SL,

Here is a thing (it is now closed but gives you a idea how the Roleplaying world works)

Its an old private board i used to run and RP with a few people.... you could read some of the storylines in there... That is the sorta format we will be doing it in... You have your own character in the story... Wither you are an evil vampire going to take a human slave, a hunter fighting vampires etc...
A normal ignorant human with noknowledge of their existence....

Or planning the rebellion in a war in the other SL, a corrupt goverment worker, an assasian, a normal person.... anything is possible... .Just not god :p
I love Role-playing. I am in. Let's make it.

Nevertheless, vampires and similar stuff are too boring already, arent they?

To me the story is the most important element in a RPG. So let's think of an original and innovative story-maybe taking the plot from the lyrics of DT. They will be pleased if we made something of this kind.

Maybe we can set up a world, a new world, reading carefully the lyrics, establishing a drama about the fall of Skydancers, the gallery of the lost and the ever seeing mind's eye.

What about this?
I'm in if:

- It doesn't require too much time to participate (as I can probably find about 30 mins to post daily while at work, but that's it)

- You're not going to be anal about keeping the story serious and self-important (since I know I want to play a slightly absurd, sarcastic character no matter the setting).
rahvin said:
I'm in if:

- It doesn't require too much time to participate (as I can probably find about 30 mins to post daily while at work, but that's it)

- You're not going to be anal about keeping the story serious and self-important (since I know I want to play a slightly absurd, sarcastic character no matter the setting).

As long as you arent a Cookie that attacks everyone, we wont be anal in that way, and posting depening on who you are doing a storylne with.... you wouldn't like have to post everyday... I have put up woth people who take more than a month.... But they were so good i was willing to wait... So i dont think anyone will be that anal here.
King Chaos said:
We tried something like this before... was funnish. My will to write creatively has diminished since I realised I just don't have "it", but if posting seems easy and organised, I might have a go.

I will work hard on them then so everyone will like them.... even the design of them...
unfortunately i cannot commit to participation, especially because i'm headed for some internet-less weeks around the start of october, but if this works i'll be a regular reader of your antics.

edit: @rahvin: or i could play second fiddle to your character in my spare time. we can do a good cop-bad cop routine. come to think of it, we can do a bad cop-bad cop routine too. for example, start banning all those who write phorum, phlease. :lol:
what's a cookie? sort of like a troll? (sorry for the ignorance, but i've been out of the RPG community for a while and i'm not updated on the lingo)
oh, well, in that case it's appropriate. i doubtlessly am a treat. to society.
Im definately in! The futuristic revoulution sounds more interesting than vampires to me though, as I&#180;m a bit bored of fantasy right now.
This is a bit off-topic, but being a serious traditional roleplayer since the early nineties, I've always had incredible difficulties with all kinds of online-RPGs. They tend to be too chaotic, too impersonal for my tastes, which has led me to quit most of them soon after I've started. I'm still occasionally playing in one, but that's a very light parodic game, so I'm not that bothered by the lack of depth in it.

That being said, I'd like to participate in this one (to see if it will be any different from the norm), but unfortunately my time is way too limited for any such activities at the moment. Perhaps at some later time.

You can count me in. Anything that allows me to entertain my imagination is a plus in my life. I might come up with a somewhat disturbed character, I have a soft spot for unbalanced minds.
eRraZib_ENo said:
You can count me in. Anything that allows me to entertain my imagination is a plus in my life. I might come up with a somewhat disturbed character, I have a soft spot for unbalanced minds.

Awsome, anything will be welcome, Myself i like playing the inncoent characters that fall into those types of characters hands...
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