Opeth albums?


Waffle Wizard
Aug 20, 2003
Beyond stupidity
Well, I have to admit I'm kinda new to Opeth. I watched them at the Inferno Festival this year, and I must say I was impressed, especially becuase of Michael's voice. I must admit I was headbanging when they played Demon of the Fall. But, my point. I'm currently concidering getting one of their albums. Which album should I get, and most importantly: why?
Another week, another "which album should I get" topic...

You'll have one group of people telling you that Orchid and Morningrise (their first albums) are the best and you should get them. I don't really agree cos they aren't as easy to get into at all...

Another group will go for My Arms, Your Hearse (Demon Of The Fall is on this one) and Still Life. Both are great albums but the easiest to get into first are...

The third group, the recent albums (Blackwater Park, Deliverance and Damnation). They're all fairly easy to get into and amazing albums (each Opeth album is amazing though - that point can't be stressed enough).

I think you should get Blackwater Park - it's by far their most popular and accessible album. It also seems to be what most Opeth fans heard first that got them into the band. Everyone will tell you something different though, but you really can't go wrong with BWP.
I barely listen to Blackwater Park, don't really know why. I'd say go with My Arms, You hearse though... if you liked demon, you'll like april ethereal and when :)
Strangly enough BWP was the hardest Opeth album for me to get into, while I loved Morningrise from the 1st listen.

As for first album, Id say go with Still Life as its accessable, but very creative, exciting and diverse. Pluse it has great lyrics.
If you like Demon of the Fall you shouldn't have any problems getting into My Arms Your Hearse, so get that one first. Best albums are in order:

My Arms, Your Hearse
Blackwater Park
Still Life
Get Still Life... It was the first Opeth album I got and it's an amazing one. There you can also find mellow tunes (benighted and face of melinda), not only fucking good heavy stuff (the rest of the CD)
I think My Arms Your Hearse is the best, but isn't particularly accessible. Demon of the Fall is on this album.

Morningrise is a really good starting point

Blackwater Park was my first and it worked for me.

Still Life is patchy, but still a good introduction to the band.
Judas Pissed said:
I think you should get Blackwater Park - it's by far their most popular and accessible album.
But every time there's a 'best album' poll on this forum, a different album wins. I remember Orchid won, Morningrise won, I remember MAYH won, Still Life won, BWP won...Deliverance and Damnation haven't yet though.
Oh, fuck this, I'll just get the one with the coolest cover :p

No, seriously, I'll find some day with a lot of spare time (next year, I guess), and go through a few of those albums down at the record store. They usually have 3-4 albums in. But it seems My arms, your hearse might appeal to me.
I'd be one of those who would be 'grouped' in the My Arms/Still Life group... technicality, contrast (heavy/mellow), accessibility... but for fucks sake, they're all brilliant albums, if you can get into one, you can get into all of them.
Get Blackwater Park or Still Life. The other ones take to long to get into, but you should still get them eventually. I got morningrise about 2 months ago and I'm still trying to get into it. Get Damnation last.
buy them ALL, get a 10 disc cd changer put into your car or if you dont have a car, get a big changer for your room/stereo system, and shuffle them all! muwhahahahahaha!
if you like demon of the fall, i would suggest getting "my arms your hearse". as a dissection fan, you would probably like their first two albums (orchid and morningrise) because they were produced by dan swano, have twin guitars (which they discarded after those two albums) yet retain all the other features of opeth's style. for you i'd say its a toss up between orchid and my arms your hearse.
Judas Pissed said:
I _really_ think Orchid and Morningrise are too hard to get into for a first time listener...

Morningrise was the first album I heard, and I didnt have much worries getting into it. The ease of getting into an album has a lot to do with previous musical background. Obviously if someone listened to Slipknot and Korn before moving on to extreme metal, BWP might be the best way to go, but if someone was a fan of more extreme bands, then they wouldnt have a problem listening to anything by Opeth, because accessibility wouldnt be a problem...
Yeah actually, that's a good point. I got into Opeth via BWP but that was while I was only really listening to thrash and prog stuff - no death or particularly underground bands.
Heres an advice: Buy them all (you´ll end doing that anyway). listen to them at random, make out your own opinion on which is the best, the worst ect. And in a month or two you´ll be a true Opeth nerd as the rest of us =)